Social worker talking to child

Working together for children in care

CoramBAAF is the UK’s leading membership organisation for professionals working across adoption, fostering and kinship care.

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What's new

  • Discover Dennis Duckling: Essential reads for direct work with children

    It is important to help children understand what will happen to them, and why, by whom, and how these decisions will be made. Dennis Duckling will help you navigate and communicate these issues with children.

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  • SAVE THE DATE: Annual Health Conference 2025

    We are delighted to announce that CoramBAAF’s Annual Health Conference will be held in London on Monday 30 June 2025, 9.30am – 4.30pm. We are all aware of the huge pressures facing the NHS and social care. Our programme is geared toward helping professionals to navigate these challenges by highlighting the pathways toward better care for children and young people.

    Register here
  • Adoption & Fostering journal Volume 48 Issue 2 now available

    In the editorial by Dennis Golm, he discusses the need to openly address child-to-parent violence. The following articles explore various aspects of parenting, including the trauma experienced by adoptive parents, the early transition to adulthood for foster carers' children, and the effectiveness of group interventions like Theraplay® for adoptive families.

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Whether you’re part of an organisation, an individual member, or a student, here’s what you need to do to set up your website account.

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Our forums provide our members with a unique opportunity to discuss professional practice and share knowledge and expertise with colleagues.

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Upcoming training and events

Teenage boy smiling

An introduction to private fostering

13 December | 9.45am - 1pm | Zoom
This course is an opportunity to explore the legal and practice framework of private fostering, including thinking about how to identify and work with this often unseen group of children. It will include explanation of the respective responsibilities of parents, private foster carers and local authorities, when private fostering arrangements are made.

Book now
Teenager using tablet

Exploring Expertise: Digital content and addiction

14 January | 11.30am - 1pm | Zoom
Positive engagement with a digital life relies on promoting moderation not restriction and teaching resilience. In this session, we will discuss the impact of content addiction and put forward strategies to help children and young people build healthy screen habits.

Free for members
health professional giving a demonstration

SAVE THE DATE: Annual Health Conference 2025

We are delighted to announce that our Annual Health Conference will be held on 30 June 2025 at 9.30am – 4.30pm, in London . The conference is a key event in the calendar of medical advisers, doctors and nurses working with care experienced and adopted children. It is a conference that brings together practice and ideas that are current, relevant to you, and which matter.

Register your interest

Browse our programme

Starter packs for newly qualified social workers

To help newly qualified social workers, or those that want to refresh their knowledge, we have created a fostering and adoption starter pack. You will receive our top selling titles at a discounted price.

Fostering starter pack

Get 'Fostering now', 'Making good assessments', and 'The child's legal journey through care' for £35 (usually £49.90).

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Adoption starter pack

Get 'Adoption now', 'Making good assessments', and 'The child's legal journey through care' for £40 (usually £54.90).

Find out more