Please note membership of the committee is by invitation / nomination only.

Aims and purpose of the committee

  • To advise CoramBAAF, its member agencies, individual members and other relevant agencies on policy, practice, resources and procedures concerning adoption.
  • To consider, comment and advise on CoramBAAF publications, practice notes, training, consultancy and other services.
  • To assist CoramBAAF staff to promote and facilitate conferences, training events, publications and research.
  • To enable CoramBAAF to make representations to government, parliamentarians, local authorities and other stakeholders on legislation and policy.


The committee meets three times a year in July, November and March. The chair is Stephanie Bishop, Independent Social Work Consultant.

Membership of the committee

Members are drawn from the membership of CoramBAAF by invitation or nomination.

How can I find out more about this committee?

Please contact:

Minutes of meetings

Members can read the minutes of committee meetings here.