Looking after unaccompanied and refugee children

Looking after unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children eBook only

There is a lack of awareness and an inconsistent approach across the country to caring for asylum-seeking and refugee children, partly because the arrival of these children is often seen as a temporary issue that does not require longer-term planning, training and investment. But these are children in need, and local authorities are required to identify their needs and to provide services to meet them.

This one-day introductory training course is designed to provide social care professionals with an understanding of the issues surrounding these children. It will empower them to have a confident approach to providing appropriate care and support to meet these children’s complex needs.

Social care professionals play a vital role in helping to meet the needs of this vulnerable group of children, and this course will help to give them the tools to undertake that role successfully.

Who is this book for?

This course is designed for social care professionals who are, or who may be, working with unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children and young people.

What you will find in this book

This is a one-day training course, comprising a training handbook and CD-ROM with handouts. The course covers:

  • Understanding the refugee children context
  • Understanding the relevant legislation
  • Assessing the needs of unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children and young people
  • Identifying appropriate services for this group of children
  • Building professional partnerships, networking and action planning in work with unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children and young people


Selam Kidane was BAAF’s Refugee Children Project Consultant, and has also worked for family service units and outreach work on issues concerning refugees and mental health. She came to the UK seeing asylum as an unaccompanied child in the 1980s.

This book is available as an eBook only. It can be downloaded free by CoramBAAF members from the members’ area of the website or purchased below.


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