How do I access my books?  

All purchases are held in Library - the online space personalized for your eBook purchases. You can access this via your web browser on your computer or via the Android or iOS app on your phone or tablet.

I want to read a title that isn’t included in my member books list, can I still read it? 

Yes, you can use your eBookstore account to purchase any of the titles in our eBookstore library. It is your member books under ‘My Subscriptions’ that you can access for free.  

Is the number of accesses the number of staff that can access and read the member books? 

The number of accesses is calculated based on the size of your organisation. Yes, the number of accesses represents the number of staff that can access and read your member books.   

Can we have more access codes?

If you would like to increase your number of accesses, we can supply you with an additional code for more of your colleagues, however there would be an additional cost for this.

If you are interested in having hard copies of CoramBAAF publications that can be shared between colleagues in the office then all of our titles are available to purchase from the CoramBAAF bookshop, with discounts on many titles for bulk orders.

Can I order in bulk or for someone else? 

You can. Check the 'This is a gift' box at checkout and enter the recipient's details. 

Do the books get updated?  

At times, we produce new editions of our books. These are always separate products. If you have bought a previous edition, you would have to buy the new one as a new order.

How long does it take to receive my books?

Your books appear immediately and automatically in your account under Library as soon as you pay for them.

The book I want doesn't seem to be available as an ebook yet. 

We will be rolling out the availability of ebooks across more of our products over the next year. 

I have sight difficulties – can I use the books?  

The page views of the books can be easily increased and decreased in size. If you have a need for Braille or other adaptations, contact the sales team at for permissions.   

Can I download, print or copy and paste my books? 

Books are accessible via your Library only. You can access this via your browser or via the Android or iOS apps on your phone or tablet. Books accessed via the app are stored on the device the app is installed on for offline reading but cannot be redistributed. This includes forwarding ebooks, printing, and copying and pasting text. This level of access is in line with industry standards for ebook distribution.   

I need help, who do I contact? 

Take a look at our instructions, videos and frequently asked questions as they may contain the answer you are looking for. However, if you need help or have any issues please contact