CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 71 - 80 of 133

Why can't I be good?

| Hedi Argent

This short booklet for children is part of a series designed to teach children about a range of health conditions common to many looked after children. This story about emotional and behavioural difficulties will be helpful for any child aged seven to 11 whose behaviour frequently gets them into trouble, or who knows someone who can’t be good.

Child care law Scotland

| Alexandra Plumtree

This quick reference guide provides a quick introduction to the main legal provisions and principles affecting the law relating to child care in Scotland.

Looked after children and offending

| Gillian Schofield, Laura Biggart, Emma Ward, Victoria Scaife, Jane Dodsworth, Alice Haynes and Birgit Larsson

There have been longstanding concerns about the risk of offending for children in care. This research study investigates the characteristics and pathways of looked after children and the risk and protective factors that may reduce the risk of offending and promote resilience.

Dennis goes home

| Paul Sambrooks

The Dennis Duckling series of picture books provides a range of opportunities to talk to looked after children about what is happening in their lives. In the first two books, Dennis and his little sister have to leave their parents and be looked after by a foster duck family. In this third book, the outcome for the ducklings is for them to go home to their parents.

Social work with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children

| Paul Adams

Social work with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children and families has received scant attention, for a variety of reasons, including long-term historical and societal factors. This Good Practice addresses these and many more questions and will be of immense help to all those working with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and looked after children.

Comparing long term placements for young children in care

| Dominic McSherry, Montserrat Fargas Malet and Kerrylee Weatherall

This book reports on the Care Pathways and Outcomes longitudinal study which, since 2000, has been tracking a group of children who were under the age of five and in care in Northern Ireland on a particular census day, and gathering comparative data on how the children and their parents/carers were coping across the different types of placement provided. The book reports on the most recent phase of the study, which involved interviews with the children and parents/carers on a range of subjects.

Proud parents

| Nicola Hill

This is a compelling collection of stories of lesbians and gay men who have adopted or fostered children. Single and in partnerships, they share their experiences on a number of issues and write about life as an adoptive family.

Lesbian and gay adoption and fostering - foster carers

| BAAF / New Family Social

This Advice Note explores lesbian and gay foster care and adoption, providing basic, clear facts for foster carers looking after a child who is, or who may be, moving to live with lesbian or gay carers.