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Essential reading for professionals and practitioners
Browse our range of publications for social workers and other practitioners, with information on all our newest titles in the Good Practice Guides series, assessment guides, health guides, and books on life story work, attachment, the Secure Base Model, panels, direct work, contact, legislation, and more.
Download nowConsidering adopting or fostering?
Browse through our comprehensive list of publications on adoption and fostering in our dedicated adoption and fostering catalogues.

Read about adoption!
Just starting to think about adoption for the first time? Going through the adoption process and want to know what's coming next? These are the books that will help you.
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Read about fostering!
Looking for information and guidance on fostering or caring for foster children? Explore this catalogue for books with the information, insight, advice and support you need.
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Books and resources for children and young people
Children and young people that have been adopted or are in care can get all the support, information and advice they need from our range of books and resources featured in our Children's and Young People's catalogue.
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Books for foster carers and professionals
Resources for foster carers, social workers and managers, carers, panel members, children in foster care and young people leaving foster care.
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