Major NHS England changes to improve health services

Changes to NHS England have been announced in an attempt to improve health services. In these reforms it is vital that the needs of vulnerable children, children in care and adopted children, are not forgotten.

Undertaking checks and references in fostering and adoption assessments

Our Advice Line team has received an increase in queries about statutory checks and references for prospective adopters and carers. Jo Francis, CoramBAAF’s Publishing Manager, shares the types of queries our colleagues receive and the advice provided in our Good Practice Guide, ‘Undertaking checks and references in fostering and adoption assessments’.

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A call for papers: ‘Adoption & Fostering’ Special Issue

In 2026 it will be 100 years since the Adoption of Children Act 1926 was first introduced. Although the legislation still stands, there have been numerous changes during this period. ‘Adoption & Fostering’ is inviting contributions for a Special Issue to reflect on adoption in England and Wales.

Adoption Support Plan (2025): a new comprehensive tool to support children and their families

We are thrilled to publish the new Adoption Support Plan (ASP) England. The ASP and accompanying guidance for social workers, Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs), and adopters have been developed by CoramBAAF building on work completed by Adoption England and feedback gained through a pilot of the form by five RAAs during 2024 and consultations with Adoption UK and relevant CoramBAAF forums.

From Form C to Form K: the new standard for assessment

To align with the national policy reform agenda and address the complexity and importance of kinship care, we have collaborated with carers, practitioners, managers and parents to review Form C resulting in the creation of Form K to enable comprehensive assessments of prospective kinship carers.

2025 – a big year for CoramBAAF’s forms

We have been updating and revising a number of our core forms as well as developing a new one with partners. We are reaching the exciting point of being ready to share these updates and revisions with our members and forms licence holders.

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Child safety advice saves lives: how to safely position a child in a baby sling carrier

The recently published coroner's report into the death of a child while being carried hands-free in a baby sling carrier, follows a number of deaths worldwide of babies linked to incorrect positioning in harness and sling type carriers. CoramBAAF encourages our members to make parents and carers aware of good sources of child safety advice when using slings.

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Child sexual abuse in foster and kinship care, special guardianship and adoption

CoramBAAF has just published a new Good Practice Guide and companion guide that together address the critical issue of child sexual abuse in foster care, kinship care, adoption, and special guardianship. These guides explore the challenges professionals face, practical strategies for safeguarding, and the importance of reflective practice to better protect vulnerable children.

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Volume 48 (Issue 3-4, October-December 2024) is now available!

Vicky Walker, Production Editor for the ‘Adoption & Fostering’ journal takes us through the articles for the final instalment of Volume 48. She outlines the key themes of this edition - wellbeing, adolescence and the role of the government.