Our legal consultants develop a range of practice notes, briefings and other resources to support our members in their work. They also support the exchange of ideas and good practice at our regular practice forums.
Latest news
CoramBAAF to host the Racial Justice Family Network to promote anti-racist practice
The Racial Justice Family Network (RJFN) is a collaborative network which brings together social work and legal professionals, judges, academics, and people with lived experience to promote anti-racist practice in family justice. Originally hosted by Nuffield Family Justice Observatory, the RJFN is now hosted by CoramBAAF.
Read moreAdoption & Fostering journal
Adoption & Fostering is the only quarterly peer-reviewed journal dedicated to adoption, fostering and kinship issues. Over the years, it has gained an international reputation as one of the world’s leading sources of knowledge for academics, practitioners and all those concerned with childcare practice and research.

Read our latest legal notes
The legal notes from Volume 48 (Issue 2, July 2024) of our 'Adoption & Fostering' journal are now available. Members, remember to sign in to your website account for free access to all edition and issues of the journal.
Read morePublic Law Working Group report
CoramBAAF welcomes the publication of the Public Law Working Group adoption sub-group report. It contains a wealth of recommendations aimed at supporting the continued modernisation and adaptation of the adoption process.
Chapter summaries and analyses
Whilst there is no suggestion of a radical overhaul of the adoption system, the recommendations identify the huge amount of work required across the sector to keep the system fit for purpose for the future.
Read morePrivate fostering
Private fostering is a private arrangement made between a parent and a responsible adult for the care of a child under the age of 16 (under 18 if disabled). The person who will be looking after the child is not a parent or close relative of the child, and the arrangement is planned to last for at least 28 days.

Legal guidance
Take a look at our legal guidance concerning the private fostering arrangement timeline, case notes, terminology and definitions.
Explore our latest resources
Agency Decision Maker resources
CoramBAAF have been commissioned by Adoption England to produce a series of training resources to support Agency Decision Makers in their decision-making and processes. Written and produced by CoramBAAF, these resources include written materials and several films featuring detailed case law examples.
Find out moreAccess to records
Access to records is a complex area that requires the ongoing efforts of practitioners, campaigners, and policymakers to ensure there is greater clarity, consistency, and supported access is available for care-experienced and adopted people seeking to understand their personal histories, the decisions made about them, revisit memories, and explore their identity and heritage.
Key legal provisions, guidance and legislation
Since the introduction of the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, new challenges have emerged. While these laws were designed to manage the growing amount of personal data being processed and ensure individuals’ privacy and rights are protected, their implementation has introduced additional complexities. Risk-averse approaches to disclosure and overly rigid interpretations of data protection laws often result in unnecessary redactions, and, at times, the process can become traumatic or alienating.
Find out moreAdoption records
Adoption records document the legal process of adoption, including the transfer of parental responsibility from the birth parents to the adoptive parents. They typically include identifying information about the birth parents (names, addresses, phone numbers), the original birth certificate, and details about the adoption process.
Find out moreChildren’s social care files
Children's social care files are maintained by children’s services to document the care and support provided to children and their families. This includes services provided to children in need, those on child protection plans, looked-after children, children subject to a care order, those in foster care, children’s homes, or supported accommodation.
Find out moreLatest blogs
- Youth justice, ethnicity, school exclusion, and care experience – reducing criminalisation and achieving better outcomes
- Improving our core forms: what's new and what's next
- Improving our core forms: an overview of recent updates
- President of the Family Division gives final judgement on Somerset case
- Somerset ruling: FAQs
Responses to consultations & inquiry submissions
- CoramBAAF submission in response to recommendations for best practice in Public Law Working Group (December 2023)
- CoramBAAF response to the mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse consultation (November 2023)
- CoramBAAF submission in response to APPG Inquiry into Corporate Parenting (September 2023)
- CoramBAAF response to consultation on Working Together to Safeguard Children statutory guidance (September 2023)
CoramBAAF Conversations
Our podcast series is dedicated to exploring topics related to adoption, fostering and kinship care. We invite children's social care professionals and experts by experience to join us to share best practices, their experiences and knowledge.
Access to records: what you need to know
Listen hereUsing your legal department in social services
Listen hereAccessing care records
Listen hereWatch our event recordings
Access to records for care-experienced and adopted people
This participatory session aims to shape forthcoming best practice guidance for managing care-experienced and adopted people’s records in England and Wales and improve the culture and processes involved.
Sign in to watchSomerset, the impact
Alexandra Conroy Harris, our legal consultant, presented the issues that were identified in the Somerset case, shared how local authorities can avoid these in the future, and what to do about cases currently in progress in this Exploring Expertise webinar from 15 March 2022.
Watch hereSpecial interest groups

Adoption Agency Decision Makers group
This group is a dedicated space for Adoption Agency Decision Makers to discuss, share, and reflect on cases, practice and procedures with peers. It is not a traditional Practice Forum, but is a ‘surgery session’.
Find out more
Legal group
*** We are currently developing our offer to this group. More details coming soon ***
Find out moreStarter packs for newly qualified social workers
To help newly qualified social workers or those who want to refresh their knowledge, we have created a fostering and adoption starter pack. Our packs include our innovative guide that demystifies the law by explaining its application to children’s rights, children’s possible routes through care, and the legal stages of Children Act proceedings. Buy now to receive our top-selling titles at a discounted price.
Fostering starter pack
Get 'Fostering now', 'Making good assessments', and 'The child's legal journey through care' for £35 (usually £49.90).
Find out moreBumper fostering starter pack
Dive into these essential resources to gain practical insights and robust guidance, whether you're just starting or a seasoned professional. Get this bundle for £65 (usually £82.80).
Find out moreAdoption starter pack
Get 'Adoption now', 'Making good assessments', and 'The child's legal journey through care' for £40 (usually £54.90).
Find out more