About CoramBAAF forms
CoramBAAF publishes legally compliant health and social work report forms for adoption, fostering, kinship care and other care plans. These are widely used throughout the UK and are available to use under a licence agreement.
We know how important our forms are for practice and therefore updating them is a rigorous process. We recognise the potential impact these assessments and documents can have on those being assessed, those who come back to read their own records at a later date and decisions that are made. We want our forms to be as good as they can be, and we want them to be versatile enough to be used across different local authorities and agencies. To do this we take into account feedback, research, lived experience, learning from safeguarding reviews and practice knowledge, and ensure they are all legally compliant. We also pilot many of our forms to test them in practice before launching new updates.
Briefing sessions
As part of the launch of our forms, we host a number of briefing sessions to equip you with the right tools to complete an assessment using our forms. These free briefing sessions are 55 minutes and cover the core aspects of the form. The recordings are released within two weeks of the briefing sessions taking place. Browse our training and events programme to join our upcoming sessions!
Watch our recordings

Kinship Assessment (Form K) England: Briefing session
CoramBAAF is excited to publish the new Kinship Care Assessment (Form K) England. The change in name to 'Form K' reflects the national policy reform agenda and a growing awareness of the complexity and importance of kinship care when children can’t remain at home with their parents. The new assessment amplifies the voice of the child and focuses on the relationship between them and the prospective kinship carer, drawing out strengths and highlighting support needs. It enables a relationship-based and reflective assessment process that gathers and analyses the information required to inform decisions about a child’s future care. The form can be used for both approval of kinship foster carers and recommendations for special guardianship orders; it is compliant with relevant law, regulations and statutory guidance. It includes an integral support plan and detailed guidance.
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Adoption Support Plan (ASP) England: Briefing for IROs
CoramBAAF is excited to publish the new Adoption Support Plan (ASP) England. The Adoption Support Plan and accompanying guidance for social workers, IROs and adopters has been developed by CoramBAAF building on work completed by Adoption England and feedback gained through a pilot of the form by 5 RAAs during 2024 and consultations with Adoption UK and relevant CoramBAAF forums.
The form is compliant with relevant law, regulations and statutory guidance. It is designed to be used at key stages of the adoption process - during matching; when reviewing the placement prior to the adoption order being made and as a basis for future adoption assessments post order. It should be used alongside the Adoption Placement Report (APR) England 2025 which has been amended for this purpose.

Adoption Support Plan (ASP) England: Briefing session
CoramBAAF is excited to publish the new Adoption Support Plan (ASP) England. The Adoption Support Plan and accompanying guidance for social workers, IROs and adopters has been developed by CoramBAAF building on work completed by Adoption England and feedback gained through a pilot of the form by 5 RAAs during 2024 and consultations with Adoption UK and relevant CoramBAAF forums. The form is compliant with relevant law, regulations and statutory guidance. It is designed to be used at key stages of the adoption process - during matching; when reviewing the placement prior to the adoption order being made and as a basis for future adoption assessments post order. It should be used alongside the Adoption Placement Report (APR) England 2025 which has been amended for this purpose.
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