This page draws on statistics that are related to the ethnicity of children in care or who have come into contact with the care system. It also looks at the workforce and the ethnicity of professionals dependent upon job roles.

Ethnicity of Looked After Children, Adoptions and SGOs compared to population by percentage

The following chart shows how each ethnic group is represented in the child care system according to care order and to give a wider context, as compared to the wider population.

Ethnicity of Looked After Children, Adoptions and SGOs compared to population by percentage


Ethnicity of social workers by job role

The following chart illustrates the ethnic breakdown of social workers in the child care sector by job role. 

Ethnicity of social workers by job role

*percentage is of the total of social workers whose ethnic background was known.  


To view our sources visit the webpages below:

Children looked after in England including adoptions - Department for Education

Children's social work workforce 2021 - Department for Education

Nomis - official census and labour market statistics - Office for National Statistics