Procedures for submitting a proposal for publication

Proposals and manuscripts can be submitted to the CoramBAAF Publications Department to be considered for publication. Once you have a clear plan of the contents of your book and how it will be structured, the process for submitting a proposal is outlined below.

Please note that we are NOT currently accepting proposals or scripts dealing with personal adoption or fostering stories and children’s picture books.

  • Whether you wish to submit a proposal or a full manuscript for publication, we ask that all authors complete a publications proposal form, or you can request the form by email/post by contacting Jo Francis on 020 7520 7513 or at
  • Not all of the questions on the form will be valid for all publications; however, we ask that you complete the form as fully as you are able to. This information will be helpful to us when determining whether to accept your proposal or manuscript.
  • If you have a synopsis or sample chapter of your proposed publication available, it will be very helpful if you submit this along with the form. Please do not submit an entire manuscript at this early stage, unless it is quite short, e.g. a children’s book.
  • Once received, your publications proposal form will be read and considered by colleagues within CoramBAAF, to determine whether your proposal would be suitable for our market. Your proposal will also be considered by our Publications Advisory Group, which meets quarterly.
  • It may take us some time, in some cases up to six months, to consider your proposal and reply to you with feedback and comments. Please bear with us while we do this.
  • Once we have considered your proposal, we will reply to you with feedback, and will let you know whether we wish to accept your proposal for publication.

If you are submitting a book for children

We are inundated with proposals for children’s picture books. Please note that we only publish a couple of children’s books each year. Before submitting such a proposal, please ensure that you are familiar with the fairly wide range of children’s picture books that we have published to date, as we will not be considering proposals that cover the same issues and themes, or any similar ones. Our children’s titles can be viewed in our Bookshop

If you have any further questions about CoramBAAF’s procedures for publication, please contact Jo Francis on 020 7520 7513 or at

If you are submitting a personal narrative

Please note that we are NOT currently accepting proposals or scripts dealing with personal adoption or fostering stories. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to assess the many personal stories sent to us and find ourselves in a situation where we cannot keep up! As and when this position changes, we will remove this notice. Thank you for your understanding.