Please note membership of the committee is by invitation / nomination only.

Aims and purpose of the committee

  • Improve the standards of health practice, service provision and training for health professionals in adoption, fostering and child care practice.
  • Facilitate inter-disciplinary understanding of health matters and the exchange of information.
  • Assist CoramBAAF in developing and promoting publications, practice guidelines, forms and training opportunities on health matters.
  • Influence policy of Government and relevant health organisations.


The group meets four times a year: March, June, September and December. The chair is Dr Rachel Bower from Cambridgeshire.

Membership of the committee

Each year we write to all members of the Health Group to invite nominations in order to fill any vacancies arising and ensure regional representation.

Nominees have to be a member of CoramBAAF’s Health Group to be eligible for nomination.

How can I find out more about this committee?

Please contact

Minutes of meetings

Members can read the minutes/summary reports of committee meetings here.