Our podcast series is dedicated to exploring topics related to adoption, fostering and kinship care. We invite children's social care professionals and experts by experience to join us to share best practices, their knowledge and experiences.

Episode 39 | Encouraging adoption in Black African and Caribbean communities
Jennifer Kwakye is the Adoption Outreach Ambassador for Coram Ambitious for Adoption, an organisation dedicated to recruiting families who can meet the needs of children waiting for a permanent home.In this conversation, Jennifer speaks with Jane Poore, CoramBAAF’s Adoption Consultant, about the importance of finding children a stable, loving home while preserving their cultural heritage and identity. They explore the challenges faced when recruiting Black adopters, and the vital support available for adoptive parents and prospective adoptive parents.
Watch hereAdoption & Fostering journal #12 | Child to parent violence and aggression with Dr Morvwen Duncan and Hetty Verhagen
Dr Dennis Golm hosts a conversation between Dr Morvwen Duncan and Hetty Verhagen about child to parent violence and aggression. They combine their research, practice and experiences of working with children and their families to explore the topic.
Listen hereAdoption & Fostering journal #11 | Vol.48 Issue 3-4 introduction with Dr Dennis Golm and Jo Francis
Dr Dennis Golm (Journal Editor) and Vicky Walker (Production Editor) introduce Volume 48 Issue 3-4 of our 'Adoption & Fostering' journal. The final instalment of Volume 48 is a bumper issue, containing eight research articles. Wellbeing, adolescence and the role of the government are key themes in this edition.
Watch hereAdoption & Fostering journal #10
Vol.48 Issue 2 introduction with Dr Dennis Golm and Jo Francis
Listen hereEpisode 28
Gender, race, and religion: exploring the identity of care experienced children and care leavers
Watch hereEpisode 29
Complex identity: an intersectional framework for organisations, with Anthony Lynch
Watch hereAdoption & Fostering journal #9
Adoptive parents’ worries and concerns about their adolescent adopted children
Listen hereAdoption & Fostering journal #8
Grandparent Special Guardians’ lived experiences of the role and family dynamics
Adoption & Fostering journal #3
The educational experiences of children in care with Dr Karen Kenny
Listen hereEpisode 21
The impact of the online world on the mental health of care-experienced children
Listen hereIf you would like to recommend a topic or idea for a future podcast episode please contact ellyse.hinder@corambaaf.org.uk. Please be aware that the views, language choices, and referenced research in each episode solely belong to the participants.