The primary aim of this week is to enhance understanding of adoption from various perspectives, including adoptees and adoptive parents, who share their experiences about adoption and its emotional aspects.
This year, National Adoption Week brings together adopted people from different generations to celebrate how adoption has evolved. Throughout the week we are going to be sharing resources, blogs and recordings.

National Adoption Week: The English and Romanian Adoptees study (ERA)
18 October | 10.30am - 12.15pm | Zoom
In this webinar, findings from two recent qualitative papers will be discussed, highlighting the adoptee's point of view and that of their adoptive parents.
The evolution of adoption through the years
A group of adopted people – from baby boomers to Gen Z - have come together to share their story as part of a new short film which spotlights how adoption has changed over the years. John Simmonds – Director of Policy, Research and Development – reflects on the film.
Early permanence from a legal perspective
James Bury - Head of Policy, Research and Development - reflects on our recent webinar for legal professionals about Early Permanence led by Jane Poore – Adoption Consultant - and Alexandra Conroy-Harris – Legal Consultant. He explores the importance of Early Permanence and the role that the courts play in this process.
Lunch and Learn | Diversity and adoption webinars
We are delivering a series of webinars in relation to diversity and adoption on behalf of RAA Leaders. These short webinars explore promising practice in adoption work in relation to issues of diversity. We will be hearing from practitioners and experts who will be able to inform and educate us about practicing in an anti-discriminatory way that embraces the diversity of children and adopters.

LGBTQ+ Adoption
This event addressed the challenges that the LGBTQ+ community faces while caring for children, including discrimination, lack of inclusive support, and societal stigmatisation.
Watch now
Expressions of Self
The Expressions of Self research project listened to minoritised looked-after young people’s narratives on ethnicity, religion and identity, to inform policy and practice about their needs. This session is an introduction to the research project and covers the early findings and explores the different kinds of impact that their identities can have on young people’s journeys through care.
Watch nowMoving to Adoption webinar
Director of Research in the School of Social Work at the University of East Anglia (UEA), Professor Elsbeth Neil introduces the UEA Moving to Adoption model. Drawn from a two-year practice development project, the UEA model promotes sensitive practice that is responsive to the child’s needs. It can be applied to the moves of children of all ages and a range of circumstances. Although the focus is on adoption, the model’s principles are applicable whenever a child is to be moved from one carer to another.
Our podcast series is dedicated to exploring topics related to adoption, fostering and kinship care. We invite children's social care professionals and experts by experience to join us to share best practices, their experiences and knowledge.
Accessing care records
Listen to Augusta Itua, our legal consultant, in conversation with Dr Julia Feast OBE. They talk us through the current barriers and support available to care experienced people wanting to access their records.
Listen hereUsing your legal department in social services
Listen to a discussion between our legal consultant, Alexandra Conroy- Harris, and our adoption consultant, Jane Poore, about how to use your legal department in social services.
For adopters
For social workers
The secure base model - new edition out now!
Undertaking checks and references in fostering and adoption assessments
Journal articles (open access)
The motivations and decision-making processes of parents who adopt older children (June 2023).
Keeping in touch: Looked after children and young people’s views on their contact arrangements (May 2023).
BRAC2eD model: An approach to de-bias decision-making in adoption assessments with prospective adopters from minoritised ethnic groups (March 2023). We also recorded a podcast episode with Dr Tam Cane about her article.
Creating a New Narrative: A theory of how adopted individuals readjust their adoptive identity in parenthood (September 2022).
How adopters’ and foster carers’ perceptions of ‘family’ affect communicative openness in post-adoption contact interactions (December 2021).