CoramBAAF publishes legally compliant health and social work report forms for adoption, fostering, kinship care and other care plans. These are widely used throughout the UK and are available to use under a licence agreement. Browse our frequently asked questions below, with some answers to help you find the information you need.
If you can’t find the answer to your question below, and your question is a practical one about forms access and/or licence agreements, please contact
If you have a specific question about a practice matter that you need support with, you can contact our Member Advice Line.
General questions
How do I access my forms?
Once your organisation's application for a Forms Licence has been approved, a member of the CoramBAAF team will be in touch with your designated contact. We will share with you the relevant access instructions, and secure weblink, to begin accessing your chosen forms - alongside guidance and additional documents.
Which CoramBAAF forms are you updating?
Throughout 2025 we will be publishing new versions of Kinship Care Assessment forms (Form K, which was Form C), the Adoption Support Plan (alongside an updated version of the Adoption Progress Report), Child Permanence Report, Prospective Foster Carer Report, Child Health Suite of Forms, and more to follow.
How do I access the updated forms?
If your organisation holds a CoramBAAF Forms Licence for the previous version of a form, your license will automatically update to include the new version. The previous version of forms or accompanying documents will remain within your licence access where applicable. Your forms licence will continue to include the checks and references resources.
Kinship Care Assessment (Form K) questions
Should I use Form C or Form K?
If your local authority is currently using CoramBAAF’s Form C, please note that this form will no longer be licenced following publication of Form K. At point of publication of Form K (3 February), if you are midway through an assessment using Form C, you may complete the assessment using Form C, but all new assessments should be completed using Form K.
Have you published a guide for completing Form K?
Our publication Undertaking a connected person/family and friends assessment continues to provide advice and information about the completion of kinship assessments. However, a revised and updated version Undertaking a kinship assessment: a guide to collecting and analysing information for Form K (2025) will be published.
Do you run training about how to complete a Kinship Care Assessment?
Yes, we have a one-day course 'Kinship assessment practice’ and a two-day course ‘Undertaking a kinship assessment’ to support you in completing a Kinship Care Assessment.
Adoption Support Plan (ASP) questions
What version of the Adoption Placement Report (APR) should I use?
The new ASP (2025) should be used alongside the Adoption Placement Report (APR) England (2025) which has had minor amendments to reduce duplication. The Adoption Placement Report (2018) remains available for use as a standalone document and will be fully reviewed in 2026.
Do I need to complete an Adoption Placement Report (APR)?
It is a legal requirement under Adoption Agency Regulations (AAR 2005) that an APR is completed.
Should I use APR (2018) or APR (2025)?
APR (2018) can be used as a standalone document where ASP (2025) is not used. However, the new ASP (2025) should be used alongside the APR (2025)
Have you published a guide for completing and Adoption Support Plan?
We have not published an undertaking guide for completing an Adoption Support Plan. However, we have published Assessing children and families for adoption support in England (2024).
How do I access the new ASP?
If your organisation holds an England Core Licence or a RAA/VAA Adoption Services Core Licence, you will automatically have access to the ASP. APR (2025) will also be included in your download files, and must be used alongside ASP (2025). APR (2018) will remain available in your files, and can be used as a standalone document where ASP (2025) is not used.
If you can’t find your answer, and your question is a practical one about forms access and/or licence agreements, please contact
If you have a specific question about a practice matter that you need support with, you can contact our Member Advice Line.