
This course is an opportunity to explore personal and professional values and thresholds in relation to kinship carers and explore what good kinship assessment practice looks like. It will include how to robustly assess and analyse strengths and vulnerabilities, and the importance of careful support planning to mitigate assessed risks. It will consider the key principles of best practice in assessment of kinship carers and provide an opportunity to reflect on some of the dilemmas and challenges in achieving permanence for children.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the day participants will have: 

  • Explored personal and professional values relating to kinship care 

  • Considered the context of kinship care assessment practice, including the legal and regulatory framework  

  • Explored what authoritative and robust kinship assessment practice looks like, including tools to use to support assessment practice 

  • Considered dilemmas and challenges, including the role of fostering panels in approving kinship foster carers  

  • Explored how to confidently articulate strengths as well as risk and vulnerabilities, and how these can be mitigated against with robust assessment of support need and support plans 

Who should attend?

Any social workers involved in the assessment of kinship carers – both prospective kinship foster carers and prospective special guardians.

See future dates for this course or commission the course for your organisation and we can come to you.