Kinship Care Week (7 – 13 October 2024) is an opportunity to raise awareness about the amazing role that kinship carers play in children’s lives and society. There is increased national awareness following the welcome publication of the first-ever National Kinship Care Strategy in December 2023 but we still need to do more.

This year the theme of Kinship Care Week is #ThisIsKinshipCare. CoramBAAF is supporting other organisations in the Kinship Care Alliance to help professionals, families and children understand what kinship care is.

CoramBAAF lends its full support to Kinship Care Week.

Text that reads "Hashtag This is Kinship Care. Let's raise awareness about kinship care and what life is like for kinship families." Underneath the text is the Kinship logo with text that reads: "Kinship Care Week 2024, 7 to 13 October."

Raising awareness

What is kinship care?

Kinship care isn’t yet a recognised term in the Oxford English Dictionary. And maybe it’s not yet a word that trips off the tongue naturally for many people. But once it’s explained it makes absolute sense. That’s why this year, the theme of Kinship Care Week is #ThisIsKinshipCare.

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About Kinship Care Week 2024

In Kinship's digital resource packs, you’ll find the guides, activities and promotional materials to help raise awareness of #KinshipCareWeek.

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Kinship care resources

Coram Life Education's new Kinship Care Resources that are now available for schools! Co-produced by Coram Life Education, Coram BAAF and the Kinship Care Alliance, these resources introduce and explore the important subject of kinship care.

The resources include assembly and lesson plans with the intention that they are shared with schools so that they can take part in Kinship Care Week (7 to 13 October 2024). However, we still encourage schools to use the resources whenever possible to raise awareness about kinship care.

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