
Senior Practitioner (Assessment Team & Post Approval Team)

| CoramIAC

We are currently advertising for two positions, one within our Assessment team, and one within our Post-Approval team. Assessment Senior Practitioner - To provide Coram IAC’s Intercountry assessment and support services in accordance with adoption guidance and regulations. To help coordinate intercountry adoption assessments, quality assuring and overseeing the work of sessional social workers. Post-Approval Senior Practitioner - To provide Coram IAC’s Post Approval Services and Country Programmes in accordance with adoption guidance and regulations. Supporting and advising families through the post approval/post placement period and ensuring smooth progress through liaison with the Adoption Manager and Post Approval Administration Team.


Fostering Supervising Social Worker

| New Chapters Fostercare

We are seeking someone with the necessary drive, enthusiasm, ambition and commitment to complement our already well-established team, help maintain our therapeutic approach and family feel ethos in fulfilling our mission to provide a New Chapter for every child and a place to call home. The postholder will be expected to manage a maximum caseload of 12-14 fostering households, help cover duty when the Placement Officer is on annual leave and be on the out of hours rota. The postholder will work constructively with a diverse range of foster carers, ensuring that our therapeutic approach is embedded in everyday practice and the care provided to our children and young people.


Independent Panel Vice Chair and Independent Panel Members

| Barnardo's Adoption Midlands and South West

We are seeking to appoint to the following roles: Experienced Independent Panel Vice Chair and Independent Panel Members from a range of disciplines, particularly from a medical/health or education background. The panel has an oversight of recruitment and assessment of prospective adopters. Panel members together make recommendations on the suitability of applicants. The post holders should have relevant knowledge of the diverse needs of children who are Looked After and adopted. The post holders should be passionate about making a difference to the lived experience of children.


Social Worker - Assessment and Support Islington's Permanency Team

| Islington Council

There are three social worker positions available in Islington’s Permanency team. One in the assessment side and two in the support side of the team. As an Assessing Social Worker in the Permanency Team at Islington Council, the postholder will play a pivotal role in finding the right permanent carers for children who cannot live with their parents. The postholder will undertake detailed assessments with family members and friends who want to offer permanent care for a child under Special Guardianship Orders. As a social worker in the support side of the team the postholder will provide practical and emotional support to special guardian carers (SG) following an Order being made.


Legal Adviser

| Independent Review Mechanism

The Independent Review Mechanism for England (IRM) provides, on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education, review panels for potential and current foster carers and adopters when agencies have decided not to approve them as a foster carer or adopter, or to terminate or change the terms of their approval. The current contract will continue until March 2026. As an IRM Legal Adviser the postholder will be providing written legal advice to caseworkers, panel members and the Contract Manager about individual applications and well as ad hoc advice on occasions, working 30 hours a week (this can be discussed at the contract stage).


Independent Social Worker

| Barnardo's Adoption Midlands and South West

Barnardo’s wish to recruit Independent Social Workers to help with our adoption work predominantly in the Bristol, Wiltshire, Somerset, Dorset and Birmingham areas. We will accept applications from other geographical areas within our region. We are looking for qualified and experienced Social Workers who have experience of carrying out adoption assessments. Although the postholders will work independently as external consultants on a freelance basis, the postholders will be supervised and supported in their work by a Practice Manager and will be invited to training events and external consultant forums on a regular basis.


Independent Social Worker

| Coram IAC

We are seeking to recruit experienced freelance Social Workers to assess applicants for their suitability as adoptive parents and Early Permanence carers. The postholder must be able to take work in London and the surrounding counties. Applicants must be self-motivated, able to work to deadlines and be flexible in meeting the needs of the applicants and the agency. Substantial experience in adoption work is essential. An Induction and ongoing training will be provided.