Our Learning from Research webinars, which are free to members or a one-off fee for non-members, run monthly and promote evidence-based policy and practice. Presentations include Q&A sessions to enable attendees to delve deeper into the subject matter and explore connections to their own practice.

Learning from Research: Young people's experiences of family life with an SGO
27 March | 11.30am - 1pm | Zoom
In this session, we will be joined by Julie Young who will be sharing her recent research which addresses a significant research gap around young people’s voices and the growing need to understand, as well as support, the experience of young people with SGOs.
Our recordings
Members can watch our webinar recordings from the previous 12 months below or head over to our YouTube channel to view earlier ones

In their own words - Care experienced young people on local and national policy
Over 2024, care experienced individuals involved with YPBMF decided on some key areas effecting care experienced individuals that needed to improve and required senior decision & policy makers to be involved with helping to make the change. This session shares the highlights from the 5 co-produced reports with key local and national asks for those involved with improving the lives of care experienced individuals.
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Post adoption depression
Post-adoption depression (PAD) is more common than realised, but is often difficult for parents to discuss. Without support, PAD can lead to long-term challenges for both the parent and child. Sharing emotional struggles can be difficult for anyone. But for adoptive parents there are additional concerns. Some parents may feel that talking to a social worker could risk the adoption placement. Others, may feel overwhelmed and exhausted by the adoption process altogether. In this session, we will be joined by Dr Lynn Snow who’ll be sharing her research into PAD, and recommendations in post-adoption support for agencies, social workers, and local authorities.
Watch hereThe mental health of children in state care in England
Watch hereWorking with Muslim heritage children in care
Watch hereGetting best-evidenced mental health support to children and young people
Coming soonExpressions of Self - Race, religion and representation of care-experienced children and young people
25 January 2024
Watch hereThe wellbeing of children in care - comparing those in kinship and unrelated foster care
15 June 2023
Watch hereWant to watch more?
The recordings of our Exploring Expertise and Learning from Research webinars are available to members only for 12 months after publishing. After this time period they are uploaded to our YouTube channel to be available to all.