Our monthly Exploring Expertise webinars give practitioners the opportunity to hear from leading figures in practice and research on innovative developments and examples of 'best practice' in the family placement sector. Presentations include Q&A sessions to enable attendees to delve deeper into the subject matter and explore connections to their own practice.
Upcoming events

Learning from experience in overseas placement
20 March | 12pm – 1pm | Zoom
In this session, we will be joined by Lead Practitioner Alison Wheeler who will share her experience of placing a child in Australia from Brighton and Hove Council on a Special Guardianship Order. Covering all aspects from viability to placement, we will explore the challenges practitioners face in a real-world setting and how to navigate them successfully.
Our recordings
Members can watch our webinar recordings from the previous 12 months below or head over to our YouTube channel to view earlier ones

International child protection with Children and Families Across Borders
In this participatory session, we considered the challenges of managing child protection cases with an international element as well as collaborating with foreign authorities, and navigating cultural, legal, and practice challenges.
Watch hereExperiences of Micro-aggressions for LGBTQ+ carers with a panel of adopters and foster carers
16 May 2023
Watch hereWant to watch more?
The recordings of our Exploring Expertise and Learning from Research webinars are available to members only for 12 months after publishing. After this time period they are uploaded to our YouTube channel to be available to all.