Exploring and supporting the identity of children and young people in care is crucial for their emotional well-being and development, as it helps them build a strong sense of self, resilience and stability in their lives.
The research, information and conversations that will be published and shared on the first day of Members’ Week reinforce this message.
Welcome to Members’ Week 2024!
CoramBAAF’s Head of Member Services and Engagement, Michelle Bell, kicks off this year’s event, introducing the range of activities planned on the theme of “Listening to the child...”.
Read nowAccess to records
Access to records is a complex area that requires the ongoing efforts of practitioners, campaigners, and policymakers to ensure there is greater clarity, consistency, and supported access for care-experienced and adopted people seeking to understand their personal histories, the decisions made about them, to revisit memories, and explore their identity and heritage.
Accessing children’s social care files for care experienced children and young people
Informed by Augusta Itua’s Churchill Fellowship study into ‘access and support rights to children's social care files’ we have published a new area on our website that collates information about accessing care files and adoption records. Discover a range of interviews between Augusta and her guests where they discuss the challenges and the current state of accessing children’s social care files in Australia.
See moreEpisode 30 | Access to records: what you need to know
We have also published a podcast episode with CoramBAAF Legal Consultants, Augusta Itua and Alexandra Conroy-Harris, where they explain the different regimes that exist, explore opportunities for improvement, and refer to available resources.
Listen hereGender, race, and religion: exploring the identity of care experienced children and care leavers
Ann Horne, CoramBAAF’s Kinship Consultant, is joined by researcher and academic, Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor. They talk about the theme of identity, with insights from Sariya’s research and her key findings from past and present projects.

Episode 28
Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor (PhD) is Associate Professor in the Sociology of Islam at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, UK. She was Chair (2020-2023) of the Muslims in Britain Research Network (MBRN). As a feminist sociologist of religion, she interrogates the power dynamics within knowledge production and the implications of the processes and systems of knowledge on society as a whole. She started undertaking research with and for children in care after beginning the process to become an adopter, just under a decade ago.
Find out moreComplex identity: an intersectional framework for organisations, with Anthony Lynch
James Bury, CoramBAAF’s Head of Policy, Research and Development, is joined by Anthony Lynch as they tell us more about their research study which explores the intricate nature of identity by examining how various social categories—such as race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, and sexual orientation—intersect and shape individual experiences.

Episode 29
Anthony Lynch is a researcher and mixed-heritage adoptee working in the intersection between Lived Experience and Policy. Their work in identity began when they co-founded In-Between Lines, an award-winning exhibition for individuals belonging to multiple ethnicities, cultures, and families. The study highlights the importance of considering these aspects of identity simultaneously to understand the unique challenges faced by individuals with complex identities.
Watch hereCoramVoice and Bright Spots
CoramVoice work to amplify young voices in decisions that matter to them and work to improve the lives of children in care, care leavers and others who depend upon the help of the state. Here are some of their services:
- Always Heard – the only national advocacy advice line providing direct advocacy and safety net support for children in care and leaving care.
- A National Voice (ANV) – the National Children in Care Council led by care-experienced people that brings together care-experienced children and young people across England to raise issues and influence government.
- Bright Spots – their programme to improve the care system based on the views of children in care and care leavers, including the largest survey of their views and wellbeing in the UK.
Coram Voice are experts in providing advocacy for children and young people who have disabilities and are in care, on the edge of care or are care leavers. Below we have shared how young people view disability, and how it can impact their day-to-day life:

(Image: CoramVoice)
Recommended reading on identity
Dr Dennis Golm, Editor-in-Chief, has selected relevant articles from our ‘Adoption & Fostering’ journal that reflect today’s topic for you to browse. Similarly, Jo Francis, our Publishing Manager. has chosen key titles from our bookshop to give you an opportunity to delve deeper into today’s themes and topics.
Download today’s reading list!