Browse the questions below to help find the answer to your question about our digital book subscription scheme.

How do I access the digital book? 

This will be dependent on how you choose to engage with the scheme. There is the option to have the file stored on your secure intranet or private access via our eBookstore. Access to the file will be provided once a subscription has been agreed and paid. 

Can I subscribe to a digital book for less than a year?  

No. Subscriptions are annual, based on the financial year (April–March). For agencies starting their subscription at times other than April, the subscription and payment will initially be pro-rata, and will start each April in subsequent years.   

Can I cancel the subscription during the year?  

No. The subscription and number of subscribers cannot be changed mid-year and is non-refundable.   

Can I subscribe to a digital book that is not included in the scheme?  

This could be an option. The scheme is currently in its pilot phase, and we have selected titles that our members have requested. If you would like a different title to be included in your subscription, add the title to your request form. 

If I subscribe to more than one book, do I get a bigger discount?  

No, the discount amount remains the same.   

Could the price of a subscription increase during the year?  

No. Prices are fixed in-year and will not increase during this time. CoramBAAF reserves the right to change prices at the time of renewal.  

If I subscribe to a digital book for more than one year, do I get a bigger discount?  

No, the discount level remains the same. Although CoramBAAF reserves the right to change prices at annual renewals (e.g. the eBook’s price may have changed, a new edition may have been published). 

How do I get a hard copy of the book? 

The digital book subscription scheme offers access to the digital format of our titles. You can however buy copies of our hard copy versions via our online bookshop. Attractive discounts are available for orders of multiple copies. 

Is this the same thing as my member eBooks? 

Since 2023 we have offered our members free access to a range of titles in our eBookstore. This new subscription scheme is separate to this. This scheme allows organisations to have a subscription to specific digital title that are not included with their member eBook catalgue. The scheme allows more individuals within your organisation to access selected titles for a discounted price. 

For any queries or questions about our digital book subscription scheme or our online bookshop please contact