Child care law England
This quick reference guide provides a quick introduction to the main legal provisions for the care of children in England. Designed to provide a basic framework, it presents a summary of the main statutes, regulations and court rules, with sections on all the main strands of law relating to parents, children and local authority responsibilities.
This edition has been fully revised and updated to draw together all current legislation, including recent changes and new initiatives.
Who is this book for?
Anyone working with children and families in a social care setting needing quick and easy access to the latest applicable legislation and regulations in adoption.
What you will find in this book
The book contains a summary of the main statutes, regulations and court rules, along with sections on:
- Parents, parental responsibility and private family life
- Private arrangements for the care of children
- Local authority responsibilities to children and families
- Child protection
- Children looked after by local authorities
- Reviews
- Representations, complaints and advocacy services for children
- Adoption
- The courts
Read the contents page
Alexandra Conroy Harris is CoramBAAF’s Legal Consultant. Deborah Cullen was the Legal Group Co-ordinator at BAAF until she retired in 2008.
This title is now available in digital-only format for immediate access. Purchases are held in your own personalised online library and accessed via your browser or through the app on your phone or tablet.
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This book breaks down the sections with easy to understand language, and further referencing to other acts, legislation and policy. This book is ideal for those going into social work and those already doing the course.
K Harrod, five stars, Amazon.co.uk