CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 1 - 10 of 207

Protecting looked after and adopted children from sexual abuse in care: A guide for professionals

| Hedy Cleaver and Wendy Rose

This companion guide draws on information in the associated Good Practice Guide, 'Child sexual abuse in foster and kinship care, special guardianship and adoption: Learning from safeguarding reviews 2007–2022'. This guide details the results of a study of safeguarding reviews involving 87 children, who were sexually abused by members of the household or family friends while living with foster or kinship carers, special guardians or adopters.

Adoption now

| Roy Stewart with Alexandra Conroy-Harris

*NEW EDITION* This handy guide presents the law, regulations, standards and guidance relating to adoption today, covering all stages of the process and related information – in easily digested bite-sized chunks.

Family network meetings in adoption

| Alison Davis and Sue Westwood

This guide will be invaluable for all social workers and social work managers wishing to explore the benefits of family network meetings and update their practice.

Working with schools

| Various authors

Get your copies of the most popular titles in our Parenting Matters series. These books address key areas around trust, behavioural issues and trauma, and how these can affect children’s behaviour and learning in education.

The adopter's handbook

| Amy Neil Salter

Thinking about, or in the process of, adopting a child? Read this book to prepare for the experience of adoption, find the right resources to help you and feel more in control through the ups and downs along the way.