
CoramBAAF hosts panel discussion on "The Future of Care"

On 28 April, CoramBAAF hosted a panel discussion about the future of care. This felt like a timely opportunity to debate how the “care system” operates for our children as we expect the review of children’s social care will be published soon.

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Children's homes fees make report recommendations difficult to implement

The Competition and Markets Authority have released a report that highlights significant areas of concern within privately owned fostering agencies and providers. Some are not consistently meeting the holistic needs of a child/young person and
high fees hamstring efforts by local authorities to implement the recommendations made.


CoramBAAF hosts National Adoption Strategy Webinar

On Tuesday 8 February, CoramBAAF hosted a webinar on ‘The National Adoption Strategy – Why, Where and When’ for members and partners from across the adoption sector. Read the overview or watch the webinar in full.


Issues in cases linked to Somerset ruling found to be more widespread

Linked cases to the Somerset judgement have been delayed by the discovery that the issues are common in several local authorities and it is not yet clear how many children may be affected. While the President of the Family Division considers how they can be dealt with, the following recommendations have been made.


Somerset judgement continuing to cause issues for local authorities

The recent Somerset legal case continues to trouble local authorities across England. In Somerset County Council v NHS Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group & Anor [2021] EWHC 3004(Fam), the court was told that the issues in the case were not confined to Somerset County Council, and this seems to be being borne out by a high level of queries being received on the CoramBAAF Advice Line.