CoramBAAF Annual Health Conference: 2024 hot topics and a step into the past

Monday 24 June 2024, in-person at Coram Campus, (QEII Conference Centre) in London, from 9.40am to 4.30pm.  


The Annual Health Conference is an opportunity for health professionals working with children and young people in care to come together to discuss current issues and share practice.  

Join us for an engaging event designed to inform and connect health professionals from across the country. You'll have the opportunity to get up to date on critical topics, gain valuable insight, share your perspective and be a part of the conversation.  


Dr Eleanor Hay, Clinical Genetics Consultant, Great Ormond Street Hospital 

Dr Alan Price, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Salford 

Dr Isabelle Hodgson, Designated Doctor for Children in Care, NHS Sussex 

Katharine Bouch, Designated Nurse for Looked After Children, Clinical Quality and Personalisation Directorate, NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board 

Dr Rosaleen O’Doherty, Deputy Designated Doctor for Looked After Children, Looked after Children’s Team, Delivery Directorate, NHS Kent & Medway 

John Scaysbrook(RGN), Named Nurse/Family Services Manager: Looked after Children, Leicestershire Partnership Trust 


9.40am - 10am | Registration

Check in with our team, say hello to colleagues and have a tea or coffee  

10am | Welcome 

Ellen Broomé, Managing Director, CoramBAAF 

The changing landscape of paediatric genomics  

Dr Eleanor Hay, Clinical Genetics Consultant, Great Ormond Street Hospital 

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Current research and future directions 

Dr Alan Price, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Salford 

Refreshment break - CoramBAAF Bookshop, poster presentations and networking 

Refreshments in the reception area and browse our bookstall and poster presentations. 

Blitz presentations 

“Have your say” – A new feedback platform developed in collaboration with children in care and care leavers in Sussex  

Dr Isabelle Hodgson, Designated Doctor for Children in Care, NHS Sussex 

Looked after Children’s oral health pathway: A pilot in the Midlands  

Katharine Bouch, Designated Nurse for Looked After Children, Clinical Quality and Personalisation Directorate, NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board 

Training our future GPs about the specific health needs of children in care 

Dr Rosaleen O’Doherty, Deputy Designated Doctor for Looked After Children, Looked after Children’s Team, Delivery Directorate, NHS Kent and Medway 

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland’s creative solutions to manage an acute lack of staff 

John Scaysbrook (RGN), Named Nurse / Family Services Manager: Looked after Children, Leicestershire Partnership Trust 


Food and refreshments will be available in the reception area. This will be another opportunity to browse the bookstall and posters. 

First workshop 

All attendees will take part in one of the consultation workshops and one other of their choice from workshops three  or four. 

Workshops one and two  

Consultation: A time to discuss current national developments 

Ellie Johnson, Health Consultant, CoramBAAF or Dr Racher Bowers, Chair of CoramBAAF Health Advisory Committee 

The consultation workshops focus on key guidance that underpins the roles and practice of health professionals. We will also discuss Initial Health Assessment (IHA) standards, the revision of CoramBAAF’s health forms and the upcoming review of the competencies framework. 

Workshop three 

Making sense of therapeutic interventions in adoption, kinship and fostering services 

Hedwig Verhagen, Independent Therapeutic Social Worker and Social Work Lecturer, University of Leeds 

Participants will explore common interventions in adoption, kinship and fostering services. The aim is to help health professionals make sense of the variety of therapeutic interventions offered to the children they work with. 

Workshop four 

Navigating online life with children and young people 

Jane Poore, Adoption Development Consultant, CoramBAAF and Dr Vicki Walker, Consultant Paediatrician, Education Officer, Child Protection Committee, RCPCH 

Helping children to understand the internet and how to use it is critical in today's digital landscape. This workshop will look at a child’s life online through parameters of health information and peer interaction; relationships and social skills; gaming, activity, creativity; impacts on physical health; impacts on mental health and removing or limiting use. 

Quick comfort break 

Second workshop 

Final session, reflections and thoughts for the future 

Dr Carol Homden CBE, Chief Executive, Coram 


A joint doctor and nurse model for Initial Health Assessments (IHA) for children in care – using our complimentary skills and building relationships 

Dr Michelle Bond, Named Doctor for Children in Care, Brighton and Hove, and Sue Donald, Specialist Nurse for Children in Care, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust

Supporting the completion of health recommendations following Initial Health Assessment (IHA) through improved patient or carer information  

Kathryn Tolson Named Nurse, & Dr Anne-Marie Chick Specialty Doctor, for Looked After Children Oxfordshire  

The mental health aspect of adult assessments for prospective carers 

Matilda Roberts, Medical Student, Cardiff University  


  • Learn about new developments in child health, including genomics and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). 

  • Share innovation and good practice. Participants will hear pathways of care for looked after children, including workforce planning and quality care. 

  • Raise awareness of national developments, including the revision of the key health statutory guidance for looked after children in England. 

  • Share your views on the current guidance and suggest options for the future. 

  • Consider changes in child health over time at the historic Foundling Museum and identify the challenges we face today.  


The morning session will take place at:  

Coram Campus, (QEII Conference Centre) 
41 Brunswick Square 
London WC1N 1AZ 

The afternoon session will take place at: 

The Foundling Museum
40 Brunswick Square 
London WC1N 1AZ 


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