
Our social work team assess the support needs of adoptive families, provide support intervention to families, work alongside multi-professional networks including education, social care and early help teams, etc. and help to deliver on our core offer which includes courses to parents and opportunities for adoptive families to meet each other. We are a busy service and the role is varied to support the differing needs of our adoptive families.

In this role you will play a key role in the delivery of a highly effective Adoption Support Service as we work to improve outcomes for children and young people. You will be responsible for managing a caseload, carrying out high-quality assessments, support planning and ensuring the safeguarding and protection of children. You will be required to identify and assess risk and need and deliver protective or supportive services for children and their families and have an understanding of the complex needs of adopted children and families.

Your excellent communication skills will be essential to your success in your ability to work as part of the team and develop effective working relationships with adoptive families, birth families and adopted adults who may be in distress.

As a service committed to providing excellent customer service you will proactively seek and effectively use information to inform service delivery and meet the current and future needs of children and families and adopted adults.

Please refer to Job Description

To apply...


Belinda Bhatti




