Traditionally, CoramBAAF has held an annual members' day to give our members, CoramBAAF staff and invited speakers the opportunity to share views on the most pressing issues facing family placement services.
This year we devoted a whole week to member engagement activities from 20-23 September 2022 exploring the theme of ‘The Power of Relationships’.
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
Tuesday 20 September
Key Event: ‘The Power of Relationships’
10am-1pm | Online
We heard from keynote speaker Judith Denton, who explored her own journey through the care system, and discussed what helps improve the outcomes and life chances for children and young people in care and care leavers.
This was followed by a panel discussion focusing on Staying connected - The power of relationships for children. Panellists include Angie Gillies - AFKA Scotland, Beverley Barnett-Jones - Nuffield Family Justice Observatory, Harpreet Kaur - Pause, and Linda Briheim-Crookall - Coram Voice.
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Wednesday 21 September
Committees Networking Day
11am-3pm | London
Our committees gathered in person at Coram Campus, London.
The day began with a presentation by CoramBAAF’s John Simmonds and James Bury followed by discussions and feedback sessions to discuss key priorities for the coming year.
All 8 committees - Adoption, Foster Carers, Fostering, Kinship, Legal, Health, Research, BMEPAC then convened in the afternoon.
Thursday 22 September
Adoption & Fostering Special Edition
To celebrate Members’ Week 2022, we have published a Special Edition of Adoption & Fostering Journal. It will feature key articles from the archive reflecting on relationships, with a specially written introduction by Editor, Roger Bullock.
Friday 23 September
Members' Webinars
Our consultants will be delivering a range of themed webinars as follows
1. Relationship based practice in kinship care
2. Sibling relationships – prioritising, nurturing & most importantly sustaining
3. Forming relationships with the court
4. Early permanence - building relationships
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Our Members' Week Poll
In the run-up to the week, we asked our members and social media followers to anonymously share the emotional response they have to good and difficult relationships. See the results below: