CoramBAAF have published form AH now in 2 different formats: the standard Word version and a new PDF version.

Content of the form: What has changed and why?

The form was reviewed using the following information.

  • Feedback collated from our CB advisory committee, various CB professional networks and forums.
  • Comments from professional groups and organisations external to CB including GP forums, and AFKA Scotland and AFA Cymru.
  • A collation of individual comments made over the last 5 years to CB
  • A review of advice line enquiries
  • Liaison with DFE
  • Previous comment from BMA
  • Feedback from use of the AH form during the pandemic

Key Feedback.

  • Some elements of the 2018 AH form and process were not compatible with clinical GP practice today.
  • Important aspects of information required was not always produced from the existing form.
  • Some questions did not provide the detail required, with enough clarity.
  • Need to increase focus on safeguarding
  • The basic process with the GP with access to the applicants full record, completing the medical report was still seen as best practice by many.
  • Some organisations felt that medical reports could be completed by other professionals, but were not always aware of the regulatory requirements.

Main changes

  • Consent section updated
  • Lifestyle questions updated
  • Questions re mental health updated
  • Full systems clinical examination section removed
  • Increased focus on safeguarding and impact of health conditions.
  • Section C GP section is more succinct

There are many stakeholders and the new format of the form is designed taking into account the views of the majority.

Use of Form AH in Practice

There are now 2 formats of AH available, the standard Word version and a PDF version of the form

Most areas now use electronic record systems. As previously, the Word version can be transferred, completed and stored electronically. It is also possible for individual organisations to format form AH for use as a template within their EPR.

Some organisations may find that a PDF version is easier to use. Advantages include being able to sign the document digitally.

CoramBAAF would recommend that medical advisers, local authorities, agencies and GP services liaise locally to agree which format works best with local systems.

Medical Adviser Adult Health Summary Reports

The majority of medical advisers create their summary report on a separate document to the AH form. The summary needs to be included in social care/ agency documents and therefore in practice the actual documents used are normally agreed locally depending on record systems. Regionally some groups of medical advisers have agreed standard documentation for their summary reports.

CoramBAAF agreed to leave PART D of form AH in the new form as an option to insert a medical adviser summary, but recognise this will not always be used.

For more information about adult health assessment please see chapter 15 in our essential guide

Promoting the health of children in public care