
Panel Chair Job Description

1. To chair Panel meetings, ensuring that all items of business are covered and that the Panel operates in accordance with Regulations and Guidance and the policies and procedures of the agency.

2. To prepare for Panel meetings, reading Panel papers carefully, identifying key issues and alerting the Bucks Council (BC) Fostering Panel Advisor if necessary to ensure as far as possible that the case is adequate for submission to Panel.

3. To ensure that all those attending Panel are treated with respect and courtesy.

4. To ensure that clear and accurate minutes are written, which record any serious reservations which Panel members may have, and to be responsible for checking draft minutes before they are sent to the Agency Decision Maker (ADM) and to the next Panel meeting.

5. To liaise with the Panel Advisor, ADM and with other senior managers as required.

6. To ensure, with the Panel Advisor, that senior managers are aware of issues of concern and/or quality assurance, in relation to individual cases and more general matters.

7. To be involved in the recruitment and appointment of new Panel members and in consideration about terminating the appointment of a Panel member.

8. To review, with the Panel Advisor, the performance of Panel members as the need arises, and at least annually, using the Panel Appraisal process.

9. To assist in developing, promoting and monitoring policies and procedures and high standards of work in the services provided by BC to children and young people looked after.

10.To assist in planning training for Panel members and to participate in this at least one day per year.

11.To attend the 2 Panel Business Meetings held per year

12.To safeguard the confidentiality of all Panel papers and Panel discussions

13.To participate in:

· deciding whether a case is adequate for submission to Panel;

· deciding on the attendance of observers at Panel;

· deciding on the participation of a Panel member who declares an interest in a case;

· deciding when an extra Panel may be necessary;

· the preparation of an annual report on the Panel's work.


Panels are held 3-4 times each month; they are currently virtual meetings with the exception of the last Panel of the month, which is held face-to-face in Aylesbury. The number of face-to-face Panel meetings may increase, going forward. Panels run for either a morning or a full day depending upon need.  

If you wish to find out more about the role, or just want an informal chat, please contact the Fostering Advisor/Panel Manager, Annie Simpson, via email in the first instance:  


To apply...


Annie Simpson





