Digital platforms have revolutionised the way that children and young people access education, support friendships and connect with one another. However, children and young people that access digital services are also exposed to potential safeguarding risks which can include sexual harassment, bullying, grooming and sexual abuse, radicalisation and criminal exploitation. In addition children who have experienced trauma or are looked after face additional risks and challenges.

Safer internet day is a global initiative to promote safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. CoramBAAF Adoption Consultant, Jane Poore, and, Dr. Vicki Walker, discussed the complexities of safeguarding in the digital world and this means for social work practitioners in the children and families sector.


Jane Poore, Adoption Development Consultant, CoramBAAF

Jane joined CoramBAAF in 2021 as a qualified Social Worker with over 15 years' experience in fostering and adoption, assessing, matching and supporting adopters, alongside training prospective adopters.  Jane has experience in working for both LA’s and VAA and was involved in the development of the Regional Adoption Agencies in the South West.  Prior to joining CoramBAAF she was Agency Advisor in Somerset, for both Fostering and Adoption Panels as well as coordinating Agency Decisions for Children, amongst other pieces of work such as researching Long Term Placement endings. 

Dr. Vicki Walker, Consultant Paediatrician, Education Officer, Child Protection Committee, RCPCH

Vicki is a Consultant Paediatrician in Mansfield and the Designated Dr for Looked After Children in Nottinghamshire. She was the RCPCH representative for Looked After Children between 2019 and 2022, sitting on the Child Protection Standing Committee and working with the College to support paediatricians, progress training and improve health outcomes for Looked After Children. She continues to work at a national level as RCPCH Assistant Officer for Child Protection, with responsibly for RCPCH safeguarding courses, clinical editor of eLfH level three safeguarding children training and as the Midlands looked after children rep for the NNDHP.