Our Legal Consultants, Augusta Itua and Alexandra Conroy-Harris came together to talk about the structures, regimes, differences and challenges for care-experienced adults wanting to access their records. 

Augusta joined CoramBAAF in April 2023 and job-shares with Alexandra, assisting with our advice line and service delivery for our members. Augusta qualified as a Youth Justice Lawyer and previously worked at Just for Kids Law. There, she provided specialist legal advice and representation on criminal justice issues and gained experience in community care, education, and strategic litigation law. Recently, she was awarded the 2023 Churchill Fellowship, which allowed her to travel to Australia to explore ways to improve access to children’s social care files for care experienced people.  

Alexandra was called to the Bar in 1989, and spent nine years in private practice, representing children, families and local authorities, followed by nine years as a Senior Child Care Lawyer in a London local authority before joining BAAF as Legal Consultant in 2008. Her CoramBAAF role involves writing,advising, and training on all aspects of the adoption and fostering process, as well as advising the IRM Cymru. Until recently she was combining her part-time role at CoramBAAF with employment as a childcare lawyer in a North-East local authority, and now maintains hands-on experience with some private practice at the Bar. 

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We have provided a transcript for this podcast episode to offer an alternative version and promote accessibility. Please note that this is a transcription of a video interview. The content remains the same whilst some changes have been made to improve readability in a written format. Therefore, there may be some inconsistencies between the recording and the written conversation.

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