
This course is an opportunity to consolidate knowledge of kinship assessment practice. It will provide a focus on what constitutes a good assessment, including how to triangulate information, write robust analysis and plan effective support. There will be the opportunity to discuss examples of assessments and support plan alongside case studies. This one day course will reference CoramBAAF’s Kinship Care Assessment (Form K) but will be relevant if a different assessment template is used.

The two day course provides more detail for social workers and managers with less experience of kinship assessment.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the day, participants will have:

  • Explored personal and professional values relating to kinship care​
  • Briefly considered the context of kinship care assessment practice, including the  legal and regulatory framework 
  • Explored authoritative and robust kinship assessment practice
  • Considered how to amplify the child’s voice and the meaning of the pre-existing relationship with the prospective kinship carer
  • Reflected on what makes good analysis
  • Considered how to mitigate risk and vulnerabilities with effective support planning

Who should attend?

More experienced kinship assessing social workers, and managers and panel advisers who are responsible for quality assurance of kinship assessments.

See future dates for this course or commission the course for your organisation and we can come to you.