
Some kinship carers are approved as kinship foster carers and therefore their situation and circumstances are often very different to mainstream foster carers. This course provides an opportunity to reflect on the statutory framework of approval, support, supervision and review of kinship foster carers and how this unique context differs from that of mainstream fostering. This course does not cover kinship assessment practice, but rather focuses on approval, support and review beyond the assessment process.  

Learning outcomes

By the end of the day, participants will have:

  • Considered potential challenges and dilemmas in the approval of kinship foster carers
  • Understood the regulatory context and purpose of kinship foster carer supervision, support and annual review
  • Explored interpretation of National Minimum Standards for Fostering in the kinship context
  • Increased confidence in how to respond to concerns or allegations
  • Reflected on the bespoke support needs of kinship foster carers and how to meet them

Who is the course for?

Any practitioners involved in the assessment, supervision and support of kinship foster carers. This course is not focussed on the assessment process but does explore the impact of kinship assessments being presented to fostering panels. For kinship care assessment training, CoramBAAF runs the following courses:

See future dates for this course or commission the course for your organisation and we can come to you.