CoramBAAF is excited to publish the new Kinship Care Assessment (Form K) England. The change in name to 'Form K' reflects the national policy reform agenda and a growing awareness of the complexity and importance of kinship care when children can’t remain at home with their parents. The new assessment amplifies the voice of the child and focuses on the relationship between them and the prospective kinship carer, drawing out strengths and highlighting support needs. It enables a relationship-based and reflective assessment process that gathers and analyses the information required to inform decisions about a child’s future care.
The form can be used for both approval of kinship foster carers and recommendations for special guardianship orders; it is compliant with relevant law, regulations and statutory guidance. It includes an integral support plan and detailed guidance.
- Key principles underpinning Form K
- Overview of the development work that informed the design of Form K
- Structure of Form K
- Introduction on how to use Form K and accompanying guidance
Ann Horne and Clare Seth are CoramBAAF’s Kinship Consultants. They have both worked in local authorities as social workers and managers, with experience in kinship care, fostering and adoption between them.