The figures presented below are taken from statistical reports gathered and published by government departments and bodies. Details of sources are provided at the foot of this page.

Looked After Children
  Adoptions from Care


On 31 July 2023: 

  • 12,206 children were in the care of local authorities, a decrease of 2% from 31 July 2022
  • the rate of all looked after children per 1,000 population under 18 years was 12.1, or 9.7 for only children looked after away from home


On 31 July 2023: 

  • 32% (3,927) were living with foster carers (provided or purchased by LA)
  • 20% (2,466) of children looked after were living at home with parents 
  • 34% (4,154) were living with kinship carers (friends and relatives)
  • 11% (1,320) were living in residential accommodation
  • 1% (151) were living with prospective adopters


Adoptions from Care

214 looked after children were adopted during the year ending 31 July 2023.



Scottish Government: Children’s Social Work Statistics 2022-23 – Looked After Children
The Scottish statistics include data on children looked after from August 2022 to July 2023. The looked after data is broken down by accommodation type, care plans, numbers starting and ceasing to be looked after, destination on leaving care, pathway plans and aftercare services.