
This course is an opportunity to explore the legal and practice framework of private fostering, including best practices in how to work with this often unseen group of children. It will include an explanation of the respective responsibilities of parents, private foster carers and local authorities, when private fostering arrangements are made. It will provide an opportunity to explore some of the dilemmas and challenges that can arise, as we interpret the law and guidance around private fostering, and discuss the reality of private fostering arrangements in practice within assessment, support and review processes. Since the war in Ukraine, some Ukrainian children who have travelled to the UK for safety, are living in private fostering arrangements. This course will also explore their needs, and current advice on legal and practice requirements.  

Learning outcomes

By the end of the day, participants will have:
•    Explored the definition of private fostering and its legal framework
•     Considered the needs of children who are privately fostered 
•     Learnt about the respective responsibilities of parents, private foster carers and local authorities
•     Explored assessment practice for private fostering
•     Considered dilemmas and challenges
•     Explored the support needs of private foster carers and review requirements  
•     Explored practice advice around Ukrainian children not living with a parent or legal guardian 

Who should attend?

Any social workers or managers involved in assessing private fostering arrangements and in supporting the children and their private foster carers.

See future dates for this course or commission the course for your organisation and we can come to you.