Learning from Research Webinar: Practice innovations in adoption transitions and contact for children in care: the impact of Covid-19
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This webinar will report on the findings of two studies undertaken at the University of East Anglia during the first period of lockdown in 2020. The first, Contact During Lockdown, looked at how Covid-19 impacted on how children in care were keeping in touch with their birth families. The second study was developed as part of the Moving to Adoption project, and considered how transitions were being managed for children being moved from foster care to adoptive families in light of social distancing measures. We will discuss some of the challenges related to using digital methods in these situations, but moreover some of the potential, and often surprising, benefits which may lead to a shift in practice in the future.
Anne Murphy is a qualified social worker, who is currently undertaking a PHD at the University of East Anglia. She is looking at the experiences of prospective adopters on preparation to adopt courses, with a focus on how thinking and feeling about adoption changes in this process.
Ruth Copson is a qualified social worker and PhD researcher at the University of East Anglia. Her research focuses on how supervised contact (or ‘Family Time’) is experienced and managed in Early Permanence placements.
Start: 10.00am
Finish: 11.30am
Registration 9.45am
Email any queries to Danielle.Sawyer@corambaaf.org.uk
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