CoramBAAF Webinar

National Adoption Week Webinars: Maintaining Relationships in Adoption – issues and a way forward

To see more about how we are celebrating National Adoption Week visit our dedicated page here.

This year the theme of National Adoption Week is maintaining relationships in adoption. We are running three webinars to reflect this. Our first webinar will focus on the topic of birth family relationships for adopted people and will explore what and how things need to change.

This session will be led by Professor Beth Neil, Director of Research from the UEA and expert in post-adoption contact, who will be joined by speakers with lived experience (an adopted adult, a birth parent, an adoptive parent) to suggest the changes that are needed across the system from when children first enter care through to services for adopted adults. There will be an opportunity to discuss your own practice and ideas for change.

For social workers, reflection on this session may contribute to your continuing professional development (CPD)

We are also holding a second event title 'What part do relationships play in the operation of our children’s social care services?'. To book your place at our open access event click here.


Beth Neil is a Professor of Social Work, Director of Research and Chair of the Research Ethics Committee for the School of Social Work at the University of East Anglia (UEA). She has worked for several years in social care in social work, and teaches on the qualifying and post-qualifying social work programmes and supervises PhD students. Her research interests are in the field of adoption including post-adoption contact, birth relatives’ perspectives on adoption, post adoption support, and adoptive parent recruitment.


Registration 9.20am
Start 9.30am
Close 12.30pm


Telephone 020 7520 7520


This is a free event, places are limited, so early booking is recommended.


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