Adoption & Fostering is the only quarterly peer-reviewed journal dedicated to adoption, fostering and kinship issues. Over the years, it has gained an international reputation as one of the world’s leading sources of knowledge for academics, practitioners and all those concerned with childcare practice and research.

Edited by Dr Dennis GolmAdoption & Fostering is published by SAGE on behalf of the CoramBAAF Adoption & Fostering Academy.

CoramBAAF Conversations

In our latest journal podcast episode, Dr Dennis Golm (Journal Editor) and Vicky Walker (Production Editor) introduce Volume 48 Issue 3-4 of our Adoption & Fostering journal.

Volume 49 (Issue 1, March 2025)

adoption & fostering cover


How diverse are UK foster care research and practice?
Dennis Golm


How inclusive and representative is research on foster caring in the UK? Findings from a scoping review
Rachael Stemp, Shayma Izzidien, Shivani Sharma, Karen Irvine, Nick Midgley

Looking past the stereotypes – Disabled people as foster carers
Peter Unwin, Alexandra Jones, Becki Meakin

Group intervention for parents with intellectual and developmental disabilities with children in placement: A case study exploring the long-term process and outcomes
Sandra Melander Gunnel Janeslätt, Päivi Adolfsson, Karin Jöreskog

An exploration of the experience of foster carers in holding the life stories of the children in their care: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Lisa Coe, Alexander Hassett, Karen Treisman

Social work professionals’ perspectives on using independent foster care: A contested way to compensate for organisational failure?
Evelina Fridell Lif

Agency in the developmental paths of young adults with a foster care background
Elli-Maria Kamula, Riitta-Leena Metsäpelto, Maria Ruohotie-Lyhty, Anna-Maija Poikkeus

Legal Notes

Northern Ireland
Kerry O’Halloran

Rhona Pollock


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