
This course will familiarise social workers with the legal framework, process and forms required in assessing Connected Persons (family and friends) as potential foster carers. It will consider the intricate complexities and dilemmas that Connected Persons placements can involve and how these placements can best be supported.

Who should attend?

  • Family placement social workers
  • Workers involved in the assessment and approval of foster carers

Learning outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • Reflect on current legislation, practice and research in family and friends care
  • Explore personal and professional values and thresholds in respect of family and friends care
  • Identify current dilemmas in the assessment process of family and Connected Persons and the importance of identifying strengths and risks, including those relating to safeguarding
  • Consider tools to enhance assessment considerations
  • Work with the CoramBAAF Form C

See future dates for this course commission the course for your organisation and we can come to you.