Improving our core forms: an overview of recent updates
CoramBAAF produces a variety of forms to help professionals in their work. In the past year we have been working to update some of our core forms, including:
- Form F – Foster Carers Assessment
- CPR Form – Child Permanence Report
- Form K – Kinship assessment form (currently known as Form C – Connected Persons)
- Child health forms – includes initial health assessment, review health assessment and associated forms.
We wanted to give an update on our progress so far and plans for next steps.
Form F
This form is for the assessment of prospective foster carers. The intention behind the latest update is to make the form more accessible, to reduce repetition and to be strengths-based. There is also greater emphasis on what a child will need from their foster carer, and this part of the assessment will help the assessing social worker to explore with the prospective foster carer(s) how they may be able to meet those needs.
We are keen to receive further feedback on the proposed changes, and we will be looking to pilot the form in local authorities and Independent Fostering Agencies in the early part of 2024, with a full rollout in the autumn.
Child Permanence Report
This form has multiple uses including acting as a source of information for decision making, a court report, a matching tool and ultimately a source of information for an adopted person in the future. There are several changes being made to this form, most of which are subtle but there is a definite shift in the ‘tone’ of the form to emphasise the ‘voice of the child’ and prevent ‘generic’ forms.
The person completing the form will have to know the child and have spent time with them in order to complete it. There is greater emphasis on social workers acknowledging and considering the important people to a child, how these people can remain part of the child’s life and a shift to an expectation of more face-to-face contact where appropriate. There will be a section for sibling assessment and why plans are made for each of them separately or together.
A consultation is currently taking place about adoption practice through the public law working group which has the potential to impact this update. We are therefore planning on piloting this new form in the new year with a view for formal release later in the year – likely after summer 2024 – and following the consultation.
Form K
The change in name to Form K reflects the national policy reform agenda and a growing awareness of the complexity and far-reaching nature of kinship care. The new assessment form will focus on the relationship between the kinship carer and the child, drawing out strengths and highlighting support needs. The form will be more concise but enable robust analysis.
This form will be piloted in the new year and the plan is to release the form in the summer.
Child health forms
This is a package of 10 forms for professionals where information is passed between local authorities and health agencies. These forms enable a greater understanding and consideration of a child’s health needs and formation of a child’s health plan.
The update is intended to make sure that the forms are easier to use in practice. This ultimately should lead to more positive experiences of health assessment appointments for children and young people. This update is underway, and we anticipate that the new versions will be available in May 2024.
Policy, Research and Development Team