The new CPR (Child’s Permanence Report): The importance of planning for a child's future

  • Date:

The CPR (Child’s Permanence Report) (2025) is an essential tool in enabling the adoption agency to plan for the future life of a child. Adopted adults have a legal right to have a copy of the completed document without redaction. 

The report is designed to be used at key stages of the adoption process – care planning (ADM/Should be placed for adoption decision), court application for a Placement Order, as a source of information through family finding and matching, and as a source of information for the child and their adoptive family throughout their childhood. 

The new CPR and accompanying documents have been developed by CoramBAAF alongside a working group of practitioners, including children’s social workers, family finders, panel chairs, advisers and adopters. We have also consulted birth parents, intermediary services working with adopted adults, and other stakeholders as part of the development.   

The form has been extensively tested and is underpinned by research and practice guidance. Feedback was gained through a pilot of the form by Regional Adoption Agencies (RAAs) and local authorities (LAs) during 2024 and consultations with judiciary, other stakeholders and relevant CoramBAAF forums. The form is legally compliant with relevant regulations and statutory guidance.   

Included with CPR: 

  • CPR (Child’s Permanence Report) (2025) includes forms for use to gather information from parent’s, and the child’s wishes and feelings. This information should then be included in the relevant places in the main Report.
  • Guidance notes 
  • CPR file closure cover note for adopted adults  
  • Section A front sheet for use with Annex B Report

If your organisation has the relevant forms licence, a member of our team has been in touch with your designated forms contact to share the new form. From 25 March onwards, the new CPR (2025) will appear in your download files replacing the CPR (2018) which will no longer be available for download. There is no need to switch forms where a Report has already been started, however we advise moving to the new CPR as soon as you can. New cases should be started on the CPR (Child's Permanence Report) 2025 version. 

Join our briefing sessions 

For more information about the new CPR and the assessment process, join our free briefing sessions. Click the links below to book your free place: 

2 April, 9am – 9.55am

3 April, 12pm - 12.55pm

7 May, 2pm - 2.55pm

8 May, 9am – 9.55am

In addition, the Anti-racist Framework for Decision-making in Transitioning children from minoritised racial and ethnic groups into transracial adoptive families (AFDiT) developed by Dr Tam Cane at the University of Sussex is embedded in the form.  

We are delighted that Dr Cane will be delivering two free webinars on 10 April and 15 May, between 12pm – 12.55pm, on how this research has been embedded into the CPR and what that means for social workers and their practice

Do you have any queries?

We recommend you take a look at our 'Frequently asked questions’. If you can’t find your answer, and your question is a practical one about forms access and/or licence agreements, please get in touch

If you have a specific question about a practice matter that you need support with, you can contact our Member Advice Line.  

Jane Poore, Adoption Consultant, CoramBAAF.