Pathways through education for young people in care
Edited by one of the world’s leading experts on education and looked after children, this anthology argues that education, in its broadest sense, should be at the centre of care and care at the centre of education. By bringing together up-to-date evidence from interdisciplinary research with innovations in practice that have been shown to make a real difference – both in the UK and overseas – this book helps pave the way for long-lasting improvements to the educational aspirations and attainments of young people both in and beyond care.
Who is this book for?
This is an essential reference for researchers, policy-makers, managers of children’s services, teachers, social workers, education support workers, and all those concerned with the education of looked after children.
What you will find in this book
This edited collection includes chapters on:
- Supporting aspirations for children in care
- The Letterbox Club
- Investigating the barriers to educational attainment for looked after children
- Spare time activities for young people in care: what can they contribute to educational progress?
- Results from studies of looked after children and education in Sweden and Scotland
- Paired reading
- Inclusion and children in care
- Giving a voice to children and young people in care
- The effects of trauma on children’s learning
- Foster care and higher education
- Education pathways for lone asylum-seeking and refugee young people
- Supporting the educational attainment of looked after children beyond Key Stage 4
Sonia Jackson is an Emeritus Professor at London University Institute of Education and Swansea University, a Patron of the Who Cares? Trust and a former Trustee of the National Children’s Bureau. She has written or contributed to over 80 publications on child care and looked after children. She has directed many major research projects on early years care and education and the health and education of looked after children and young people, notably By Degrees, the only UK research on going to university from care, and YiPPEE, a cross-national study of education for young people with a care background in five European countries. She is an academician of the Academy of Social Sciences and was awarded an OBE in 2003 for services to children.
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Brilliant and very wide-ranging anthology of a range of chapters about children in care and education. There's lots of good ideas here that are worth thinking about.
Five stars, Amazon review