Undertaking a child assessment (Scotland)
This guide is designed to help social workers to manage and complete a comprehensive and evidence-based adoption and permanence report for a looked after child. It is to be used by assessing social workers to complete CoramBAAF’s Child’s Adoption and Permanence Report (CAPR) for Scotland, which was launched in 2015 to replace the previous Form E.
This guide places the report in the context of relevant policy and practice, with full information about its purpose and background. It then explores the practicalities of completing each section of the CAPR to assess the needs of children. The guide also offers comprehensive advice on using the CAPR for relinquished infants placed for adoption. A wide range of case studies illustrate the practicalities of undertaking assessments and the various issues that workers may face.
Who is this book for?
All those involved in completing child adoption and permanence reports. The guide will be of particular use to those who are new to the task.
What you will find in this book
Logically structured and very accessibly presented, this guide will assist workers in completing the CAPR by:
- placing the assessment of the child’s needs in the context of the principles, theoretical framework and concepts underpinning best practice
- offering a structure for completing each section
- suggesting how each element helps to inform the overall picture
- indicating points of cross referencing between sections to help weave together the picture while avoiding unnecessary repetition
- highlighting compatibility with Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC).
The guide also includes useful checklists and proformas for collecting information, along with guidelines for staff observation, support and supervision of contact, and relevant policy structures such as the Wellbeing Wheel and My World Triangle.
Read the contents page and introduction
Marjorie Morrison worked as a Child Placement Consultant for BAAF Scotland and has spent many years developing services to link children and families. This has extended to consultancy on planning, preparation of children for adoption, and providing support to many adopters and adoptees post-adoption.
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