Family network meetings in adoption
| Alison Davis and Sue Westwood
This guide will be invaluable for all social workers and social work managers wishing to explore the benefits of family network meetings and update their practice.
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| Alison Davis and Sue Westwood
This guide will be invaluable for all social workers and social work managers wishing to explore the benefits of family network meetings and update their practice.
| Elsbeth Neil, Mary Beek and Emma Ward
Buy this longitudinal study of post-adoption contact arrangements together with the summary report for only £15.00.
| Elsbeth Neil, Mary Beek and Emma Ward
Contact after adoption presents the comprehensive findings of a longitudinal study that followed up a group of adopted children, their adoptive parents and birth relatives, where some form of post-adoption contact was planned. This study makes an important contribution to the existing research on contact and offers invaluable practice recommendations.
| Elsbeth Neil, Mary Beek and Emma Ward
Decisions about contact between an adopted child and their birth family are an essential part of the child’s placement plan and need to take into account the child’s welfare. It is therefore essential to understand how contact affects adopted children throughout their lives. This short book presents a summary of the findings of the Contact after Adoption study, which followed up a group of adopted children, their adoptive parents and birth relatives, where some form of post-adoption contact was planned.
| Paul Adams
This Good Practice Guide is designed to assist social workers and managers in planning for contact. It aims to help practitioners to formulate well thought out contact plans; make informed decisions resulting in improved outcomes for children; present well-argued and reasoned justifications for the contact plans set out in written reports, and feel more confident in recommending particular contact plans
| Elsbeth Neil, Jeanette Cossar, Christine Jones, Paula Lorgelly and Julie Young
This book outlines the findings of the Supporting Contact study, which draws on the experiences of 51 adoptive parents, four long-term foster carers and 39 birth relatives, all involved in agency-supported direct post-adoption contact It is the first ever empirical study specifically looking at services to support direct post-adoption contact.
| Henrietta Bond
The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners. This accessible quick reference guide looks at some fundamental positive steps that can be taken to ensure that contact is a beneficial experience.
| Judith Foxon
The popular Nutmeg children’s book series tells the story of a little squirrel, and his younger sister and brother. In this book, Nutmeg’s birth mother usually sends him a letter for his birthday. This year, the letter is late and he is sad and worried. Through discussion with his friends, who have a range of different family situations, and his adoptive family, Nutmeg is helped to understand the effects that contact can have and the strong emotions it can arouse.