Courageous and curious conversations – the role of panel
We are delighted to announce that CoramBAAF will be hosting our first panel chairs and advisers conference on 3 March 2025 in London at the QEII, Coram Campus, 41 Brunswick Square, WC1N 1AZ.
Panels play a vital role in ensuring that every child finds the family, support and stability they need to thrive. This in-person event enables panel chairs and advisers to meet, learn and reflect on the core aspects of their work across adoption, fostering and kinship care. An opportunity to explore keeping identity, values and diversity central to the courageous and curious conversations needed.
This conference is for panel chairs and advisers. There are a limited number of places so we would appreciate organisations sending no more than 2 representatives who can then take learning back to colleagues. In this way, we will be able to involve those from as many panels as possible
Covering all aspects of permanence, the day will help attendees:
- Build meaningful relationships with colleagues.
- Exchange strategies and ideas to strengthen panel recommendations.
- Stay informed about the latest developments in adoption, fostering, and kinship care.
9.30am – 10.00am | Registration teas and coffees on arrival
Welcome | Michelle Bell, Head of Membership and Engagement Services, and Interim Managing Director, CoramBAAF
Keynote Address | Jenny Coles CBE, Former Director of Children's Services, and former President of the Association of Director's of Children's Services, Current Panel Member, Children's Safeguarding Review Panel
Keeping children central to the work of panels | Linda Briheim-Crookall, Head of Policy and Practice Development, CoramVoice
11.00am – 11.30am | Break grab a drink and visit our bookstall
Harnessing personal judgement for effective impact: The Chair as a facilitator of panel curiosity | Dr Arlene P Weekes, Author, Anti-Black Racism activist, Social Work Management Consultant and Trainer PGCHE SFHEA
Panel discussion | chaired by Emma Fincham, Fostering Consultant, CoramBAAF and joined by morning speakers as well as:
Matt Taylor-Roberts, Managing Director and Founder, Proud 2 b Parents
Dr Ellie Ott, Foster Carer and Associate Director, Centre for Evidence and Implementation
Sharon McPherson, Director of Co-production, Development and Policy, Families in Harmony
12.35pm - 1.35pm | Lunch
Workshops | Round one
Comfort break
Workshops | Round two
Key takeaways | We will be rejoined by our workshop leads
3.50pm – 4.00pm | Close
The workshops will allow for more focused discussions and hands-on learning. Attendees will be able to choose two of the four workshops taking place
Early Permanence Matching for Panels – a done deal? | Jane Poore, Adoption Consultant, CoramBAAF
Children placed through early permanence may have been living with their family for a number of months, sometimes years, before they come to Panel for matching. As a result the matching panel process can sometimes feel like a ‘rubber stamping’ exercise.
Led by Jane Poore, Adoption Consultant, the workshop will look at the role of Panel when child and carers have already developed a significant relationship. Also considering basics of early permanence, the workshop will consider how to openly and supportively explore what has happened, and what might need to happen, to ensure the family can meet the child’s needs through to adulthood.
Interpreting Fostering National Minimum Standards in the kinship context | Ann Horne and Clare Seth, Kinship Consultants, CoramBAAF
Led by Ann Horne and Clare Seth, Kinship Consultants, Interpreting Fostering National Minimum Standards in the kinship context focuses on how we can think about what the NMS mean when we are seeking approval and supervising and supporting kinship foster carers. Drawing on key messages and statements in the recently published Kinship Care Statutory Guidance Oct 24, as well as learning and experiences from members feedback, they will enable discussion and problem-solving around some of the challenges and dilemmas Panel face when approving and supporting kinship foster carers. There will be particular focus on some of the Standards commonly cited as reasons for not recommending kinship foster carers.
Learning from lived experience of fostering panels | Emma Fincham, Fostering Consultant, and James Bury, Head of Policy, Research and Practice and Interim Managing Director, CoramBAAF
Led by Emma Fincham, Fostering Consultant and James Bury, Head of Policy, Research and Development, Learning from lived experience of fostering panels provides an opportunity to walk in the shoes of an applicant or an approved foster carer. Panels by their nature are required to provide a formal, rigorous and balanced process, however, frequently the experience for those people attending panel is intimidating, confusing and judgemental. This workshop draws on the lived experiences of people who’ve attended panel. Participants will be guided to consider and discuss reflections and suggestions on how panels can maintain their gravitas whilst simultaneously drawing out the best of prospective foster carers and approved foster carers in a sensitive and respectful way.
Courageous and curious conversations: Case law and permanence planning | Alexandra Conroy-Harris and Augusta Itua, Legal Consultants, CoramBAAF
This interactive workshop will examine recent case law developments relevant to adoption, kinship, and fostering. We will consider how panels can best engage in informed, child-centred and identity-focused decision-making when assessing proposed carers’ ability to meet the permanence needs of a child. The session will address key legal principles, practical implications, and challenges in securing the best permanence outcomes for children. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on recent case law developments, share perspectives, and enhance their confidence in applying case law to panel discussions.
Full or associate CoramBAAF member £210.00 + £42.00 VAT - Total £252.00
Individual CoramBAAF member £185.00 + £37.00 VAT - Total £222.00
Non-member £237.50 + £47.50 VAT - Total £285.00
Coram Campus (QEII Conference Centre)
41 Brunswick Square
London, WC1N 1AZ
If you have special requirements please click the left hand bar at the checkout to let us know. Alternatively, contact us by email.
Sorry, but this is fully booked and tickets can no longer be purchased.