Viability and support plans: Placing children in UK care proceedings with overseas kinship carers

This session is aimed at local authority professionals who are involved in the placement of children currently living in the UK with kinship carers overseas with kinship carers. It will provide an overview of the available research and Outbound data for children being placed abroad. There will then be ample time to discuss issues regarding viability and support plans for overseas cases during case studies and group discussion.

Please note this session, and the Outbound service, covers placements from England to areas outside the UK and British Islands. 
Members can make queries about placements within the UK and British Islands via the CoramBAAF members’ Advice Line .


    • To have some familiarity with the research and guidance that are relevant to domestic and overseas placements
    • To have an appreciation that there are considerations for overseas viability assessments and support plans over and above those for domestic placements
    • To have an understanding of specific factors which need to be explored to ensure your viability and support plan are robust and comprehensive


    Sandra Latter, Outbound Specialist Advisor, CoramBAAF. Sandra has had a long social work career covering several aspects of children and families work including special guardianship and adoption. She has been a part of the Outbound service for seven years and been the driving force behind the development of the Outbound training, in order to share the knowledge and experience that have been gleaned in this specialist area of work.

    Cathie Jenkins, Outbound legal researcher, CoramBAAF. Cathie has had a long career as a local authority solicitor having worked in several local authorities. She has extensive experience of working with international cases in the past. She helped to set up the Outbound service eight years ago, writing guides to the process and assists here with the legal aspects that underpin this work.


    For social workers, reflection on this session may contribute to your continuing professional development (CPD).

    There are a total of 35 places on this course.


    Registration 9.45 am
    Start 10.00 am*
    Close 12.30 pm*

    *Times subject to change


    Full or associate CoramBAAF member £40.00 + £8.00 VAT - Total £48.00

    Non-member £56.00 + £11.20 VAT - Total £67.20


    Telephone 020 7520 0310


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