Our Learning from Research webinars, which are free to members or a one-off fee for non-members, run monthly and promote evidence-based policy and practice.

Our next Learning from Research webinar


Boy wearing headphones

How does CAMHS listen to young people with a social worker?

27 June| 2pm -3.45pm | Zoom
Despite the long-standing policy push to include young people’s perspectives in their mental health care, research about young people with social work involvement has consistently shown that they feel they are not listened to.

Free for members


Our recordings

Members can watch our webinar recordings from the previous 12 months below or head over to our YouTube channel to view earlier ones


A mother with her head in her hands and a small child

Responses to, and experiences of, extra-familial harm and risk

Professionals and parents/carers responsible for keeping children safe from harm face particular challenges when those children enter adolescence and the harm they face comes from outside their homes, in the form of exploitation, serious violence, and peer-on-peer abuse. These two projects, the Innovate Project and Imagining Resistance, led by the University of Sussex, illuminate some of the key challenges facing professionals working within a system that is not well-designed to address extra-familial harm.

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A young Black girl close up shot

The adultification of Black girls in state care

The adultification of Black girls in society is rooted in misogynoir and leads to them being treated as older than they are and held to a standard of judgement that may not be applied to other children. The issue of the adultification of Black girls in England has received more attention in recent years with the high-profile case of Child Q who was strip-searched by police officers in her school in London. Sylvia Ikomi recently explored the causes of these issues and potential solutions to these issues as a part of an August-September 2023 Churchill Fellowship visit to the USA.

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A family watching tv together

Learning from Research: Attachment theory - new developments and perspectives

29 February 2024
Attachment is among the core theories for social work with children and families. Yet there remain considerable debates about what practitioners need to know about attachment, in part because outdated ideas about attachment still hold considerable power. In this webinar, we draw on a consultation with the international attachment research community to propose an updating of the curriculum, incorporating the key consensus findings of contemporary research

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A group of young children arm in arm

Expressions of Self - Race, religion and representation of care-experienced children and young people

25 January 2024
This session serves as an introduction to the Expressions of Self research project and covers the findings and implications. Our presenters shall return to CoramBAAF to deliver and discuss the publication of the full-findings of the research that they introduced in their Autumn 2023 lunch and learn session.

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Michelle Hall

Experiences of contact with birth parents for special guardian families

23 November 2023
Michelle Hall's PhD explores the experience of contact from both the perspective of the special guardian and the birth parent. This session discusses each of these areas in depth, including how the findings may impact practice and the way we support special guardians with contact.

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Jenny Young, Emily Blackshaw and Karl Ashworth

Members' Week: Creative Life Story Work

28 September 2023
Creative Life Story Work is a new approach to helping care-experienced children and young people understand their own life stories. The approach is led by Blue Cabin, a North East of England -based charity which transforms outcomes for care-experienced children and young people, and is based on the Rose model of Therapeutic Life Story Work.

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What matters to children living in kinship care

What matters to children living in kinship care

7 September 2023
Paul Shuttleworth discusses why children's views are worthy of inclusion in research and shaping policy and practice in kinship care. His research, which solely listens to children's insights about emotional permanence, champions a new ‘what matters’ approach which can be used in further research as well as in practice and everyday family life.

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Man looking to the left - event promo image

Family Group Conferencing in pre-proceedings

6 July 2023
Coram evaluators carried out the UK’s first and the world’s largest ever Randomised Control Trial of the use of Family Group Conferencing at pre-proceedings stage. In this webinar you will learn about this important research and its implications.

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The wellbeing of children in care promo image

The wellbeing of children in care - comparing those in kinship and unrelated foster care

15 June 2023
The Bright Spots Programme supports local authorities to systematically listen to their children in care and care leavers, about the things that are important to them. The presentation takes data from the programme and examines the views of over 1,200 children.

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Bringing up your Brothers and Sisters - Learning from Sibling Kinship Carers

Bringing up your Brothers and Sisters - Learning from Sibling Kinship Carers

4 May 2023
This webinar focuses on the relationships of children and young people who have involvement with children’s services, and in particular the needs of families where an older brother or sister is caring full time for their younger brother or sister as a kinship carer.

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Making long-term foster care a positive permanence option: Messages from 25 years of research

Making long-term foster care a positive permanence option: Messages from 25 years of research

27 April 2023
This webinar was presented by Gillian Schofield and Birgit Larsson. It explored and assessed their research on long-term foster care as a permanence option, including this most recent study. It considered the implications of these research findings for policy and practice and for the future of long-term foster care in the context of the report of the Independent Children’s Social Care Review (2022) and the publication of the Department for Education’s proposed implementation strategy and Children’s Social Care National Framework (2023).

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