Child health assessments

Child health assessments are a key component in permanence planning for looked after children. This includes providing reports about the impact of a child's prenatal history, past, current and future health. Medical Advisers need to be aware of the relevant legislation, statutory guidance and competencies framework. They are required to interpret information and present this in an informative and considered format for social care colleagues, panels and potential carers.

This course will consider the Medical Adviser's role in adoption relating to children. It will address:

  • how to complete good quality child health assessments for looked after children;
  • how to prepare comprehensive child adoption medical reports;
  • how to give constructive and appropriate advice to adoption and fostering agencies and panels;
  • the impact of parental health behaviours in relation to the health of their children;
  • complex and challenging situations, including interpreting information to inform future care planning for a child and managing uncertainty.


  • To be confident in completing child health assessments, interpreting information and providing advice to adoption and fostering agencies and panels.
  • To be able to ensure that reports are informed by and backed by research.
  • To be able to locate further specialist guidance.

NB. This workshop runs alongside Adult health assessments.


Dr Carolyn Sampeys and Dr Deborah Price Williams


New Medical Advisers and Medical Advisers in training.

On open courses we can accommodate a maximum of four delegates from one organisation only. For a larger group booking, please see the information on commissioned training.

Total of 22 places available.


Undertaking a health assessmentBook - Undertaking a health assessment 2017

Authors: Florence Merredew and Carolyn Sampeys (2017)

Comprehensive and well analysed health assessments of children and adults are vital to ensuring that children’s health needs are addressed in fostering, adoption and kinship care placements. They are also crucial to ensuring that family health information accompanies looked after children into adulthood, and for effective planning for children’s future needs. The CoramBAAF health forms, developed by experienced health professionals, are key to this task and a UK-wide quality standard.

Undertaking a health assessment is designed to help health professionals to utilise the various CoramBAAF health forms that contribute to comprehensive evidence-based health assessments of looked after children, including those with an adoption plan, and prospective foster carers, adopters and kinship carers.


Registration 9.45am*
Start  10.00am*  
Close  3.30pm* 

 *Times subject to change


Full or associate CoramBAAF member - £158.00 + £31.60 VAT = £189.60
Individual CoramBAAF member - £120.00 + £24.00 VAT = £144.00
Non-member - £220.00 + £44.00 VAT = £264.00


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